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Tag Name "Onto" (841)
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It's a really interesting and diverse business. You're a farmer first, then a winemaker, then you're onto marketing and distribution. So it's multi-faceted and really engaging. I've learned more in the last couple years than in the ten prior to that, so it's been pretty interesting.
Drew Bledsoe
I applied streaks and blobs of colors onto the canvas with a palette knife, and I made them sing with all the intensity I could.
Wassily Kandinsky
Darkness does this. It finds all the places you are hiding in. It finds all the things you are holding onto tightly and makes you let go.
Deb Caletti
I think if you've held onto a character for several years and then you're getting rid of that character, it's going to be traumatic.
Dominic Monaghan
When I realized this fear, this uncertainty, this potential of dying, I guess I needed something greater to hold onto than what we can see, touch, and smell-and that was the spiritual aspect of God, the nature of God and his relationship to humans.
Goldie Hawn
Many mornings I check out the news as soon as I wake up, because if it turns out that the world is coming to an end that day, I am going to eat the frosting off an entire carrot cake just for a start. Then I will move onto vats of clam dip, pots of crime brûlée, nachos, M & M's etc. Then I will max out both my credit cards.
Anne Lamott
Esca tossed the slender papyrus roll onto the cot, and set his own hands over Marcus's. I have not served the Centurion because I was his slave, he said, dropping unconsciously into the speech of his own people. I have served Marcus, and it was not slave-service...my stomach will be glad when we start on this hunting trail.
Rosemary Sutcliff
Acting is fantastic, but to be able to create a whole world on celluloid is amazing. It's like taking your dreams straight from your head and projecting them onto a screen.
Amber Benson
There is, in every event, whether lived or told, always a hole or a gap, often more than one. If we allow ourselves to get caught in it, we find it opening onto a void that, once we have slipped into it, we can never escape.
Brian Evenson
In the old days, we painstakingly copied our emails onto paper, put a stamp on them and mailed them to arrive 4 to 5 days later. We also churned our own butter and used our phones for talking.
Peter Sagal
Well. There is a psychiatric occurrence we see in men-not often women-where they put all their hopes and dreams onto one person, so intensely that at some point it trips a wire in the brain circuitry, and that causes them to go, in a minute, 180 degrees the other way.
Emma Forrest
I wasn't interested in holding onto the evidence of things.
Jim Hodges
The fossil fuel industry for too long has shifted enormous costs of carbon pollution onto the public.
Bernie Sanders
When you're poor, you have nothing to lose and be afraid of. Holding onto the dream and having nothing to lose is what helped me succeed.
Cesar Millan
Bravo can't be responsible for the mental state of every single person that comes onto their network.
Bethenny Frankel
I remember it was hard to believe that I was taking a step onto the lunar surface.
Buzz Aldrin
Growing up, I realized as an actor I had to figure out how to use my platform in order to give back as well and use that spotlight to shine, or at least to balance that light and to try to shine light onto the other issues that were happening in the world.
Serinda Swan
If I hold onto something it's because I want it not because I want to display it or show it to somebody else. I've got some cool stuff, I've got some cool things.
Kurt Russell
Aqualung is one that my brother turned me onto. It wasn't that hard-rocking, but Martin Barre had a really good sound. He knew what he was doing.
James Hetfield
What we don't recognize is that holding onto resentment is like holding onto your breath. You'll soon start to suffocate.
Deepak Chopra
How long has it been since you wrote a story where your real love or your real hatred somehow got onto the paper? When was the last time you dared release a cherished prejudice so it slammed the page like a lightning bolt?
Ray Bradbury
Until you can let go of everything, you will find it hard to hold onto anything.
Neale Donald Walsch
Everyone else would climb a peak by looking for a path somewhere in the mountain. Nash would climb another mountain altogether and from that distant peak would shine a searchlight back onto the first peak.
Donald J. Newman
Her heart began to ache, and she felt the numbness slip away. Misery welled up inside her. She clamped down on it, trying to hold onto the deadness that had blanketed her emotions for the past few days.
Lili Wilkinson