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Tag Name "Notes" (1268)
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It is interesting to note that life never leaves us stranded. If life hands us a problem, it hands us also the abilities with which to meet the problem.
W. Clement Stone
Let us consider an alternative style of thinking, which we can call 'creative thinking.' It is playfully instructive to note that the word 'reactive' and the word 'creative' are made up of exactly the same letters. The only difference between the two is that you 'C' [see] differently.
John Quincy Adams
I do note that photography, a despised medium to work in, is full of empty phonies and worthless commercial people. That presents quite a challenge to the man who can take delight in being in a very difficult, disdained medium.
Walker Evans
Small disconnected facts, if you take note of them, have a way of becoming connected.
Walker Percy
The imperfect is our paradise. Note that, in this bitterness, delight, Since the imperfect is so hot in us, Lies in flawed words and stubborn sounds.
Wallace Stevens
I had a great experience at the [2011] World Cup. Unfortunately, we didn't end on the note we wanted to, but I still had an Amazing time representing our country and playing in front of thousands of fans.
Amy Rodriguez
I have a lyric journal that I write in a lot. When I’m going to play, I just sit down and have my books with me and my notes and tapes and whatever I need to refer to. I just play and try different things. It’s a kind of discipline.
Amy Ray
I've failed a million times on stage. I've listened to notes that I knew weren't right. I've pitched ideas and let other people change them, knowing that it was the wrong choice. The question you have to ask yourself is: How do you want to fail? Do you want to fail in a way that feels like it respects your tastes and value system?
Amy Poehler
I keep threatening to keep a formal journal, but whenever I start one it instantly becomes an exercise in self-consciousness. Instead of a journal I manage to have dozens of notebooks with bits and pieces of stories, poems, and notes. Almost every thing I do has its beginning in a notebook of some sort, usually written on a bus or train.
Walter Dean Myers
A Jesuit once wrote a note to Father Arrupe, his superior general, asking him about the relative value of communism, socialism and capitalism. Father Arrupe gave him a lovely reply. He said, A system is about as good or as bad as the people who use it. People with golden hearts would make capitalism or communism or socialism work beautifully.
Anthony de Mello
The most interesting studio work, and perhaps the most practicable, is painting from pencil sketches and notes... It ensures the elimination of all facts but those essential to the effect.
Walter J. Phillips
I can't use logic concerning my feelings, my feelings demand musical notes, violins, guitar solos, the stomping of feet, poetic language, metaphors, poetic lines about birds or deserts or tree-crowded forests.
Noah Cicero
The present, like a note in music, is nothing but as it appertains to what is past and what is to come.
Walter Savage Landor
As a conductor I find the hardest tasks are to listen to the instinct of a musician and to hear the music behind the notes.
Edward Gardner
As a painter, taking photos is a form of shorthand - note-taking.
Wanda Koop
I'm always thinking of stuff I just don't sit down and write it. I come up with material more as I go along if something funny happens, I'll make a note of it on my phone.
Wanda Sykes
My notion of a wife at 40 is that a man should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two 20s.
Warren Beatty
In San Diego there is a highly popular course called How to Marry Money. Note that the marriage is to money - not to a person. I inquired about the percentage of men attending... 'The course is really for women,' [the instructor replied,] 'it's not relevant to men.'
Warren Farrell
What is our life but a succession of preludes to that unknown song whose first solemn note is sounded by death?
Alphonse de Lamartine
I also generally play slide guitar in standard tuning, which enables me to switch back and forth between using the slide and fretting notes and chords conventionally without having to relearn the fretboard, as one must do when playing in an open tuning.
Warren Haynes
In the many times I have seen Hillary [Clinton] speak, she never fails to dazzle audiences by speaking in paragraphs, without notes.
Gail Sheehy
The sound of colors is so definite that it would be hard to find anyone who would express bright yellow with bass notes or dark lake with treble.
Wassily Kandinsky
On the road, they join the bedraggled remnants of a column of exhausted Confederate soldiers evacuating burning Atlanta. Rhett makes her take note of the scene: Take a good look, my dear. It's a historic moment. You can tell your grandchildren how you watched the Old South disappear one night.
Vivien Leigh
When I go to a music concert, I don't say, My purpose is to get to the end and enjoy the finale. If that were the purpose, everybody would write finales and nothing more. The purpose of the concert is to enjoy each note as you go along.
Wayne Dyer