Inspirational Quotes
To counter the avoidance of intellectual challenge and responsibility, we must reduce the domination of certainty in education.
William Glasser
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William Glasser
Age: 88 †
Born: 1925
Born: May 11
Died: 2013
Died: August 23
More quotes by William Glasser
In a Glasser Quality School there is no such thing as a closed book test. Students are told to get out their notes and open their books. There is no such thing as being forbidden to ask the teacher or another student for help.
William Glasser
It is almost impossible for anyone, even the most ineffective among us, to continue to choose misery after becoming aware that it is a choice.
William Glasser
We don't focus as much in schools on educational knowledge which requires thinking and application, as we do on acquiring facts.
William Glasser
There is plenty of competition in a Glasser Quality School in that there is winning but no losing.
William Glasser
I think education is both using and improving knowledge and that changes the whole picture.
William Glasser
There is no real reason to fail a child, Once children start failing, they begin to believe that they can't do anything. They give up.
William Glasser
You can acquire a lot of knowledge without ever going to school.
William Glasser
When you study great teachers... you will learn much more from their caring and hard work than from their style.
William Glasser
The day we stop playing will be the day we stop learning.
William Glasser
Caring for but never trying to own may be a further way to define friendship.
William Glasser
I think it is totally wrong and terribly harmful if education is defined as acquiring knowledge.
William Glasser
What happened in the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what we are today, but revisiting this painful past can contribute little or nothing to what we need to do now.
William Glasser
Using no control and using humor will build a relationship and make a dent to where the client puts the counselor in their quality world and then begins to relate and seek out the counselor. Effective therapy begins with the acceptance of the therapist into the client's quality world.
William Glasser
Sex is on the minds of most people, especially those who shouldn't be having it.
William Glasser
Education is the process in which we discover that learning adds quality to our lives. Learning must be experienced.
William Glasser
What we get, and all we ever get, from the outside is information how we choose to act on this information is up to us.
William Glasser
There are only two places in the world where time takes precedence over the job to be done. School and prison.
William Glasser
To focus on discipline is to ignore the real problem: We will never be able to get students (or anyone else) to be in good order if, day after day, we try to force them to do what they do not find satisfying.
William Glasser
Effective teaching may be the hardest job there is.
William Glasser
If we had in this room a hundred teachers, good teachers from good schools, and asked them to define the word education, there would be very little general agreement.
William Glasser