Inspirational Quotes
Tears are scientifically described as a Secretion. I can understand that a secretion may be healthy or unhealthy, but I cannot see the interest of a secretion from a sentimental point of view.
Wilkie Collins
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Wilkie Collins
Age: 65 †
Born: 1824
Born: January 8
Died: 1889
Died: September 23
Poet Lawyer
William Collins
William Wilkie Collins
More quotes by Wilkie Collins
Our words are giants when they do us an injury, and dwarfs when they do us a service.
Wilkie Collins
Men ruin themselves headlong for unworthy women.
Wilkie Collins
Where is the woman who has ever really torn from her heart the image that has been once fixed in it by a true love? Books tell us that such unearthly creatures have existed - but what does our own experiences say in answer to books?
Wilkie Collins
Well may your heart believe the truths Well may your heart believe the truths I tell 'Tis virtue makes the bliss, where'er we dwell.
Wilkie Collins
But, ah me! where is the faultless human creature who can persevere in a good resolution, without sometimes failing and falling back?
Wilkie Collins
Yes! the books - the generous friends who met me without suspicion - the merciful masters who never used me ill! The only years of my life that I can look back on with something like pride... Early and late, through the long winter nights and the quiet summer days, I drank at the fountain of knowledge, and never wearied of the draught.
Wilkie Collins
It is one of my rules in life, never to notice what I don't understand.
Wilkie Collins
The future of English fiction may rest with this Unknown Public - a reading public of three millions which lies right out of the pale of true literary civilization - which is now waiting to be taught the difference between a good book and a bad.
Wilkie Collins
My business in life is to eat, drink, sleep, and die. Everything else is superfluity and I will have none of it.
Wilkie Collins
I roused myself from the book which I was dreaming over rather than reading, and left my chambers to meet the cool night air in the suburbs.
Wilkie Collins
I have always held the old-fashioned opinion that the primary object of work of fiction should be to tell a story.
Wilkie Collins
I say what other people only think, and when all the rest of the world is in a conspiracy to accept the mask for the true face, mine is the rash hand that tears off the plump pasteboard and shows the bare bones beneath.
Wilkie Collins
Women can resist a man's love, a man's fame, a man's personal appearance, and a man's money, but they cannot resist a man's tongue when he knows how to talk to them.
Wilkie Collins
The law will argue any thing, with any body who will pay the law for the use of its brains and its time.
Wilkie Collins
If I ever meet with the man who fulfills my ideal, I shall make it a condition of the marriage settlement, that I am to have chocolate under the pillow.
Wilkie Collins
No sensible man ever engages, unprepared, in a fencing match of words with a woman.
Wilkie Collins
What lurking temptations to forbidden tenderness find their finding-places in a woman's dressing-gown, when she is alone in her room at night!
Wilkie Collins
I have always maintained that the one important phenomenon presented by modern society is - the enormous prosperity of Fools.
Wilkie Collins
Pedants, who have the least knowledge to be proud of, are impelled most by vanity.
Wilkie Collins
And earth was heaven a little the worse for wear. And heaven was earth, done up again to look like new.
Wilkie Collins