Inspirational Quotes
The personal ego must be suppressed and replaced with the 'universal ego.'
Walter Russell
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Walter Russell
Age: 91 †
Born: 1871
Born: May 19
Died: 1963
Died: May 19
Walter Bowman Russell
More quotes by Walter Russell
There is no use for energy of any kind whatsoever unless there is a plan back of it.
Walter Russell
Science has great skills, great reasoning and great intelligence in combining effects. It knows HOW to do many things but it admittedly does not know the WHY of anything.
Walter Russell
I believe that such constant realization ennobles one automatically. One's stature is greater, one's step more elastic, one's aura more powerful and it makes other people see that Light in one's eyes which attracts people to him who has it.
Walter Russell
The beauty of a piece of music is not in its technique but in the Soul of its creator nor is it in the sound vibrations of the piece but in the silence of the Light from which the sound springs.
Walter Russell
Every man should be master of anything he does and should do it in a masterly manner, with love, no matter what it is, whether hard physical work, menial or boring work, or inspirational work.
Walter Russell
My today is what I will to make it. I will to make it perfect.
Walter Russell
The great lesson to learn of life is the need of giving out from the abundance of one's self in order to be ever abundant within one's self.
Walter Russell
I learned to cross the threshold of my studio with reverence, as though I were entering a shrine set apart for me to become co-creator with the Universal Thinker of all things.
Walter Russell
Most sculptors make the mistake, he said, of thinking of eyes as form and they therefore make them as spherical surfaces. Eyes are not forms, they are transparent, and what one really sees is the light of the soul in them - and that is what I try to give them
Walter Russell
Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it.
Walter Russell
To get back to the real substance of all things, you must get back into the thought world. Until one knows that the thought-energy is the cause of which is back of all things, and the product only the effect, then he is tied to the effect and is limited by it.
Walter Russell
Force I will meet with gentleness impatience with patience.
Walter Russell
My day shall be filled to overflowing, yet shall I not haste the day nor shall I waste the day.
Walter Russell
If you want it and believe you can have it, you will.
Walter Russell
Until one learns to lose one's self he cannot find himself.
Walter Russell
Every action in Nature is voided as it occurs, is repeated as it is voided, and is recorded as it is repeated.
Walter Russell
My joy will be in serving.
Walter Russell
You may command nature to the extent only in which you are willing to obey her.
Walter Russell
You can become a great creator or a little one as the intensity of your desire is little or great.
Walter Russell
War, and more wars, are helping Government to siphon the earnings of its people into its treasury for its own selfish purpose, which is to rule the people for the Government instead of for the purpose of serving the people. When will the people see that the very taxes they pay are building a power to be used against them?
Walter Russell