Inspirational Quotes
I believe that mediocrity is self-inflicted and that genius is self-bestowed.
Walter Russell
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Walter Russell
Age: 91 †
Born: 1871
Born: May 19
Died: 1963
Died: May 19
Walter Bowman Russell
More quotes by Walter Russell
The true measure of greatness of a human being is their ability to express love in relationship.
Walter Russell
Security and contentment can come only through interdependence of every man upon every other man.
Walter Russell
He who seeks possessions for himself will never find them-until he begins to give of the abundance of possessions which he already has.
Walter Russell
When the human race learns how to give and regive equally each will be enriched. He who withholds that which he should give to another impoverishes both himself and the other.
Walter Russell
Knowledge in not acquired from without but merely recollected from within. The recollection of knowledge from within is an electro-magnetic process of thinking Mind.
Walter Russell
I am a patient God. All men will come to Me in due time, but the agony of awaiting that day shall be theirs alone. And that day shall not come until man himself shall cleanse himself from his own unbalanced thinking.
Walter Russell
All motion is curved and all curvature is spiral.
Walter Russell
The taint of arrogance will I not know.
Walter Russell
When our knowing exceeds our sensing, we will no longer be deceived by the illusions of our senses.
Walter Russell
I will see beauty and goodness in all things. From all that is unlovely shall my vision be immune.
Walter Russell
Motivational Quotes on: Honesty, Success, Kind There was a tremendous modesty in the man as he spoke, a quietness and dignity. There was a simplicity and honesty and unselfconsciousness, and a tremendous peace.
Walter Russell
Meditation transports one from the transient world of matter to the real world of dreamings, visions, and imaginings where idea is and concepts are born.
Walter Russell
The very foundation of the living of life lies in the desire of every man to give service to fulfill the needs of his neighbor.
Walter Russell
And that is what radio-activity is, a quick return to the state of rest which underlies the spiritual or invisible universe.
Walter Russell
The personal ego must be suppressed and replaced with the 'universal ego.'
Walter Russell
The essence of strategy is to align your ends with your means: to match your goals and your resources.
Walter Russell
Inspiration comes only to those who seek it with humility toward their own achievements and reverence toward the achievements of God.
Walter Russell
There is no necessity for a technique or formula for meditation. Inner feeling, or inner knowing, is the silent voice of inspiration.
Walter Russell
You look at the steamboat, the railroad, the car, the airplane - not all of these were invented in the Anglo-American world, but they were popularized and extended by it. They were made possible by the financial architecture, the capital intensive operations invented and developed by the Anglo-Americans.
Walter Russell
To know the mechanics of the wave, is to know the entire secret of Nature.
Walter Russell