Inspirational Quotes
The art consensus is not criteria, it is convenience.
Walter Darby Bannard
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Walter Darby Bannard
Age: 82 †
Born: 1934
Born: January 1
Died: 2016
Died: October 2
New Haven
Darby Bannard
W. Darby Bannard
Walter Bannard
More quotes by Walter Darby Bannard
No high-minded painter of the last fifty years has been able to come to terms with his art without coming to terms with the problem of cubism.
Walter Darby Bannard
When art writing seems incomprehensible, chances are it is.
Walter Darby Bannard
Art is making something better without knowing what better is until you make it.
Walter Darby Bannard
There's a big difference between grabbing attention and rewarding attention.
Walter Darby Bannard
Stale artifacts of the past' are always 'active components of the present moment' when they are experienced in the present moment.
Walter Darby Bannard
There is no regional art. The only region left is the art magazine.
Walter Darby Bannard
If art depended on content, then one painting of an apple would be as good as the next one.
Walter Darby Bannard
If you learn something too well, it will get in the way of your perception of reality.
Walter Darby Bannard
When making a painting, only one thing counts: what you do next.
Walter Darby Bannard
In art there is no absolute good or bad, but it is absolute that there is good and bad.
Walter Darby Bannard
Many years ago, Clement Greenberg said, 'All profoundly original work looks ugly at first.' This should be updated now to 'All profoundly ugly work looks original at first.
Walter Darby Bannard
Writing about art is only useful when it leads to the experience of art.
Walter Darby Bannard
There is no best way to make art, but there are a lot of better ways.
Walter Darby Bannard
Big minds have big ideas. Small minds use big ideas to justify bad ideas.
Walter Darby Bannard
Very few people ever understand art. If you are lucky, they will buy it for the wrong reasons.
Walter Darby Bannard
It matters little if something is 'craft' or 'art.' The question is only this: does it give me pleasure?
Walter Darby Bannard
Truth is not always hard to find it is often staring you in the face. The problem with truth is that it is hard to believe. It is even harder to get other people to believe.
Walter Darby Bannard
Most 'profound truths' are just timely ideas.
Walter Darby Bannard
Always let intuitive perception precede analysis.
Walter Darby Bannard
Don't apologize, justify or rationalize bad art or bad writing. If you do, you are part of it.
Walter Darby Bannard