Inspirational Quotes
Taking B12 is the price of getting to be vegan, the way wearing a helmet is the price of getting to ride a motorcycle and giving up alcohol for nine months is the price of getting to have a baby.
Victoria Moran
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Victoria Moran
Age: 54
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Beauty at 70 years old isn't the same as beauty at 20 years old, but it is stunning nonetheless.
Victoria Moran
Sometimes we get so busy pursuing our dream that we forget to notice the degree to which we're living it already.
Victoria Moran
What is so priceless about being the selves we were created to grow into is that it's impossible to do it wrong.
Victoria Moran
Follow the tugs in your heart. I think that everybody gets these gentle urges and should listen to them. Even if they sound absolutely insane, they may be worth going for.
Victoria Moran
A simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with-that's poverty-but how efficiently we can put first things first. . . . When you're clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether it's clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar. (148)
Victoria Moran
Yoga will always be transformationa l, even when it stops being cool.
Victoria Moran
Gandhi was a David with no material weapon.. not even a slingshot.
Victoria Moran
Life has its rhythm and we have ours. They're designed to coexist in harmony, so that when we do what is ours to do and otherwise let life be, we garner acceptance and serenity.
Victoria Moran
Our culture has long mistrusted the body. It's been seen as a confusing blend of God's handiwork and the devil's playground. It is, rather, a vortex of intelligence.
Victoria Moran
The idea that somebody else is going to swoop down and play the fairy godmother role is pretty unlikely, so why not take care of yourself?
Victoria Moran
If you only knew who you really are, you'd be starstruck
Victoria Moran
I'm a big believer in living life as an extended working vacation.
Victoria Moran
Just remember that those things that get attention flourish.
Victoria Moran
When it comes to literal nourishment, the food we eat, life begets life.
Victoria Moran
Let other people do it their way. What other people do is irrelevant.
Victoria Moran
It simply feels right to me to blend the glittery delights of New York City with a largely raw vegan diet - with the soul-deep conviction that animals are not ours to eat, wear, exploit or experiment on.
Victoria Moran
Choose your exercise using the same criteria you'd apply to choosing a date - that is, attractive to you and able to hold your interest for an hour.
Victoria Moran
Every year when I put away my winter clothes and get out my summer clothes, they fit. And I haven't been on a diet since the Reagan administration.
Victoria Moran
I think most of us look at personal delights as somewhere between minimally important and borderline immoral. We like them, but we're not sure we ought to. We seldom give them a high priority when other demands are competing for our attention. Nevertheless, the soul feeds on simple joys and withers without them.
Victoria Moran
Tell the world you are a one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated.
Victoria Moran