Inspirational Quotes
Just remember that those things that get attention flourish.
Victoria Moran
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Victoria Moran
Age: 54
More quotes by Victoria Moran
As a society, we need to get lots more flexible about what constitutes beauty. It isn't a particular hair color or a particular body type it's the woman who grew the hair and lives in the body. Keeping this in mind can only make things better.
Victoria Moran
Follow the tugs in your heart. I think that everybody gets these gentle urges and should listen to them. Even if they sound absolutely insane, they may be worth going for.
Victoria Moran
Home is the place where you are most thoroughly yourself, with no pretenses.
Victoria Moran
As I see it, a green salad is an open invitation to carrots, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, and the sprouts that grow in jars on my kitchen counter.
Victoria Moran
Evolution happens in nature and in individuals. I want to participate actively in its happening within me.
Victoria Moran
I firmly believe that everyone deserves to live within walking distance of either beauty or convenience, if not both.
Victoria Moran
Growing into your future ... requires a dedication to caring for yourself as if you were rare and precious, which you are, and regarding all life around you as equally so, which it is.
Victoria Moran
The idea that everything is purposeful really changes the way you live. To think that everything that you do has a ripple effect, that every word that you speak, every action that you make affects other people and the planet.
Victoria Moran
You want to live a life in which the things you have traded your hard-earned money for are quality items that really do uplift your life.
Victoria Moran
Beauty at 70 years old isn't the same as beauty at 20 years old, but it is stunning nonetheless.
Victoria Moran
Make your plate look like a Christmas tree, I tell people, mostly green with splashes of other bright colors.
Victoria Moran
In this moment, there is plenty of time. In this moment, you are precisely as you should be. In this moment, there is infinite possibility.
Victoria Moran
Tell the world you are a one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated.
Victoria Moran
Yoga will always be transformationa l, even when it stops being cool.
Victoria Moran
Taking B12 is the price of getting to be vegan, the way wearing a helmet is the price of getting to ride a motorcycle and giving up alcohol for nine months is the price of getting to have a baby.
Victoria Moran
If you've ever tried meditation and didn't stay with it, I recommend you try it again. Some time has passed. In the interim, you may have developed the discipline of mind or the patience you were short on before. Let these qualities aid your practice. (173)
Victoria Moran
Our culture has long mistrusted the body. It's been seen as a confusing blend of God's handiwork and the devil's playground. It is, rather, a vortex of intelligence.
Victoria Moran
Sometimes we get so busy pursuing our dream that we forget to notice the degree to which we're living it already.
Victoria Moran
When it comes to literal nourishment, the food we eat, life begets life.
Victoria Moran
Gandhi was a David with no material weapon.. not even a slingshot.
Victoria Moran