Inspirational Quotes
You gotta fight every day to keep mediocrity at bay.
Van Morrison
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Van Morrison
Age: 79
Born: 1945
Born: August 31
Record Producer
Recording Artist
George Morrison
George Ivan Morrison
Sir George Morrison
Sir George Ivan Morrison
Van the Man
More quotes by Van Morrison
Music to me is spontaneous, writing is spontaneous and it's all based on not trying to do it. From beginning to end, whether it's writing a song, or playing guitar, or a particular chord sequence, or blowing a horn, it's based on improvisation and spontaneity.
Van Morrison
Sartre said that hell is other people, I believe that most of them are
Van Morrison
Become enraptured by the sights and sounds in intrigue of nature and beauty, come along with me and take it all in. Come here my love.
Van Morrison
I just wanted to have a look at my whole musical career, get right back to when I started and why I started doing it in the first place.
Van Morrison
I find it extremely difficult talking about my songs because there's so many different things that can make a song come together.
Van Morrison
I think that there are quite a few acts which have stayed with the basic feelings and that's good. And I see something of a swing back to that. For example there are quite a few people copying my early stuff now. Like it's become a reference point or something.
Van Morrison
My responsibility is to fulfil what that natural thing is. The thing that I dislike about pop rock Top 40 music is that it's not natural.
Van Morrison
Love of the simple is all that I need, I've no time for schism or lovers of greed.
Van Morrison
It was like I had evolved to a certain stage where I was stuck in this songwriter bag as an image. But basically at heart, I'm a rocker. And I still am. But I was caught up in the singer/songwriter bag and I wasn't really enjoying it.
Van Morrison
I thought of collaborating with other people which still might happen at this point. It might not. I was just trying to break the cycle because I had gotten to a point where I was definitely sure that I was on the wrong track after about 16 years.
Van Morrison
What I don't like is taking it to extremes and making all these intellectualizations about what basically is simple music. It's simple stream-of-consciousness stuff in my songs. What I'm trying to get across is misinterpreted.
Van Morrison
My ambition when I started out was to play two or three gigs a week. And that's what I'm doing.
Van Morrison
My experiences with dope were not good for me. I had to go another route. Because in my experience, dope didn't give me those insights.
Van Morrison
At the end of the day, we should give thanks and pray, to the one, to the one.
Van Morrison
It's like something happened to you that caused you to do what you heard something somewhere, you felt something about this music that was definitely part of your own vision. That's what the whole thing is like.
Van Morrison
I'm still basically the same as I always was. I still listen to the same people. That's where I'm coming from.
Van Morrison
There aren't any labels - all jazz means is improvization and you can never play a tune the same way twice. So jazz spills over into everything.
Van Morrison
Shivers up and down my spine It's a feeling so divine Let me go back for a while Got to go back for a while To that magic time.
Van Morrison
I just wanted to stop and try to get some perspective. [ A Period of Transition] it was just a matter of wanting to review the whole try and get some relationship to what I was doing.
Van Morrison
The thing about albums is just coming up with new material. I just got tired of that syndrome of putting out an album and then some reviewer claims that this song or that song has something to do with x y or z.
Van Morrison