Inspirational Quotes
You can't lead anybody you don't love. You can't do it. It's not possible.
Van Jones
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Van Jones
Age: 56
Born: 1968
Born: September 20
Civil Rights Advocate
Human Rights Activist
Motivational Speaker
Anthony Kapel Jones
More quotes by Van Jones
The Russians have had and continue to have an active program to undermine American society.
Van Jones
Donald Trump understood the dynamics of the new media system better than the people who ran the old media system.
Van Jones
We need a national renewable energy goal. Such a goal, sometimes called a renewable energy standard (RES), would spell out what percentage of our power America plans to get from renewable sources.
Van Jones
Though the rampant racial injustices throughout the criminal justice system were offensive to me and to millions of other people, I've never drawn a tight circle around the black community to define the limits of my moral concern. But that narrative tends to get imposed on you, if you're an African-American activist.
Van Jones
Any successful long-term strategy will require that the green wave fully and passionately embrace the principles of eco-equity.
Van Jones
I'm not asking for more entitlement programs I'm asking for more enterprise.
Van Jones
If the road to social transformation can be paved only by saints who never make mistakes, the road will NEVER be built.
Van Jones
We should tell people we are working to protect our country. We are working to make America stronger for the long run.
Van Jones
We have the chance to build this new energy economy in ways that reflect our deepest values of inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunity for everyone.
Van Jones
You put Hillary Clinton up against Donald Trump, I'm scared of the choice no matter what you do.
Van Jones
Most people walking around in a mall or on a college campus are carrying on them better technology than the entire U.S. government had when it put a man on the moon. Each one of us is a walking technological superpower.
Van Jones
The problem is that we didn't fight the way we should've fought. We made it be about [Donald Trump] and [Hillary Clinton] as opposed to making it be about us. If we had said this was a fight, not about I'm with Her but I'm with Us then maybe we would've had a different attitude toward her.
Van Jones
The problem that we have in America now is, some people only see the positive stuff and wave off the toxic stuff, and some people only see the toxic stuff and wave off the positive stuff. You can't have an honest conversation.
Van Jones
The surest path to safe streets and peaceful communities is not more police and prisons, but ecologically sounds economic development. And that same path can lift us to a new, green economy - one with the power to lift people out of poverty while respecting and repairing the environment.
Van Jones
Most green-collar jobs are middle-skill jobs. That means they require more education that a high-school diploma, but less than a four-year degree.
Van Jones
A green jobs bill would include both job creation and job training.
Van Jones
Black politics is redemption and transformation. It's not always pretty, but it's not always ugly either. I'll put India.Arie up against Donald Trump any day and let the people choose.
Van Jones
Listen, here's reality. It is completely unfair and absolutely necessary that people who have been oppressed and marginalized have to lead everybody. That is MLK, that is Dolores Huerta, that is Fannie Lou Hamer, that is Ella Jo Baker, that is Nelson Mandela. You walk down the line.
Van Jones
I'm saying you should have the right not only to be an energy consumer but an energy producer. Follow the money to understand why my message keeps getting drowned out. Big oil and big coal are terrified by the green jobs message.
Van Jones
Rather than continuing to base our economy on a finite supply of dead things, we can base it on sources that are practically infinite and eternal: the sun, the moon, and the Earth's inner fire.
Van Jones