Inspirational Quotes
It is what it is. You are what you it. There are no mistakes.
Tom Robbins
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Tom Robbins
Age: 92
Born: 1932
Born: July 22
Blowing Rock
North Carolina
Thomas Eugene Robbins
More quotes by Tom Robbins
Most Americans pay lip service to the idea of freedom, but can't handle real freedom.
Tom Robbins
Meditation... dissolves the mind. It erases itself. Throws the ego out on its big brittle ass.
Tom Robbins
You may tell the greatest lies and wear a brilliant disguise, but you can't escape the eyes of the one who sees right through you.
Tom Robbins
Love is dope, not chicken soup.
Tom Robbins
As expected, you get his machine. Someday, even the call of nature will be answered by a machine.
Tom Robbins
The female characters in my books tend to be independent, frisky, spunky, witty, emotionally strong, erotically daring, spiritually oriented and intellectually generous in short, the kind of women I admire in real life.
Tom Robbins
I have always been a romantic, one of those people who believes that a woman in pink circus tights contains all the secrets of the universe.
Tom Robbins
The winter passed as slowly and peacefully as a boa constrictor digesting a valium addict.
Tom Robbins
I mean that gods do not limit men. Men limit men.
Tom Robbins
Certainly that sputterless little candleflame of the mediocre mind known as 'common sense' has never produced anything worth celebrating.
Tom Robbins
'Neotenty' is 'remaining young,' and it may be ironic that it is so little known, because human evolution has been dominated by it.
Tom Robbins
You've heard of people calling in sick. You may have called in sick a few times yourself. But have you ever thought about calling in well
Tom Robbins
Growing up is a trap, snapped Dr. Robbins. When they tell you to shut up, they mean stop talking. When they tell you to grow up, they mean stop growing. Reach a nice level plateau and settle there, predictable and unchanging, no longer a threat.
Tom Robbins
Does koala bear poop smell like cough drops?
Tom Robbins
There are two lost continents.... We are one: the lovers.
Tom Robbins
That's the way the mind works: the brain is genetically disposed towards organization, yet if not controlled, will link even the most imagerial fragment to another on the flimsiest pretense and in the most freewheeling manner, as if it takes a kind of organic pleasure in creative association, without regards to logic or chronological sequence.
Tom Robbins
The one thing emphasized in any creative writing course is 'write what you know,' and that automatically drives a wooden stake through the heart of imagination. If they really understood the mysterious process of creating fiction, they would say, 'You can write about anything you can imagine.'
Tom Robbins
Never be afraid to make a fool of yourself. The furthest out you can go is the best place to be.
Tom Robbins
But why diminish your soul being run-of-the-mill at something? Mediocrity: now there is ugliness for you. Mediocrity's a hairball coughed up on the Persian carpet of Creation.
Tom Robbins
Philosophers have argued for centuries about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but materialists have known all along that it depends on whether they are jitterbugging or dancing cheek to cheek.
Tom Robbins