Inspirational Quotes
If I had to choose a single destination where I'd be held captive for the rest of my time in New York, I’d choose the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Tim Gunn
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Tim Gunn
Age: 71
Born: 1953
Born: July 29
Costume Designer
Creative Director
Fashion Designer
Reality Television Participant
University Teacher
Voice Actor
District of Columbia
Timothy MacKenzie Gunn
More quotes by Tim Gunn
We can wear whatever we want and get away with it. Just be confident about being who you are and dressing for that person.
Tim Gunn
It's so important to reach out to people you trust, and who can give you honest feedback, and keep those people close to you. You don't want to surround yourself with enablers.
Tim Gunn
Life is not a solo act. It's a huge collaboration, and we all need to assemble around us the people who care about us and support us in times of strife.
Tim Gunn
I found early on in teaching, if you're too blunt an instrument, the students discredit you and think you're just being mean. They're not interested in what you have to say.
Tim Gunn
I really cherish having my private time and being alone and being able to decompress. It's my own version of meditating.
Tim Gunn
If you had pockets, you were associated with a labor force. It meant you had things to carry yourself. Otherwise, your lady's maid or your manservant would have done it for you.
Tim Gunn
I will always be there in the wings saying, 'You need to be good to people. You need to take your work seriously. You need to have integrity. You need to work with what you've got.
Tim Gunn
Leggings are everywhere, indeed. Personally, I'm not crazy about them, but they can look great with the right look, a tunic, for instance, or a long cardigan. Just don't try to dress them up!
Tim Gunn
May I respond by merely saying, I hate crocs. May they please go away.
Tim Gunn
I was a teacher and an administrator at Parson's School of Design, and as an administrator, I was associate dean. And in that role, I went around fixing things that were broken. And the Parson's fashion program was broken.So fashion chose me. It needed to be developed and evolve. I don't know if it comes naturally to anyone.
Tim Gunn
I believe that it's very important to get to know people with whom you can have a substantive dialogue about design and its development. In addition, read everything about fashion that you can get your hands on. A palpable point of view is what makes a designer, so you need to be confident about yours.
Tim Gunn
Being in the moment is everything. So being in the moment for me is just letting the narrative play out, listening to the designers and giving them helpful feedback about what they're doing.
Tim Gunn
With fashion, you really need to understand the aspects of construction. Not just design on an iPad.
Tim Gunn
I have a couple of thousand books in my personal library. Choosing a favorite is next to impossible. But I do love the written word.
Tim Gunn
There’s one thing I will not do, ever: I will never talk to you about things you cannot change. It plants a negativity in the head of a designer or the student, and it’s a distraction.
Tim Gunn
Why must she dress that way? I think she's confused about her gender.
Tim Gunn
I want to say to anyone who works in a drone workplace, raise the bar! There's no reason why you have to dress to the lowest common denominator.
Tim Gunn
I'm constantly reminding myself that the world owes us nothing. We have to make our way and we have to work hard, persevere and make our own way in the world because the world isn't waiting for us, so let's let the world know we are here.
Tim Gunn
When it comes to Project Runway, for me the most memorable look ever presented goes back to season one, episode one, when Austin Scarlett created a ravishing cocktail dress out of cornhusks. It was really amazing.
Tim Gunn
I'm honest about expressing my opinions. At the same time, I'm diplomatic in how I do critique things if I have a negative response.
Tim Gunn