Inspirational Quotes
God deceiveth thee not.
Thomas a Kempis
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Thomas a Kempis
Died: 1471
Died: January 1
Catholic Priest
Thomas von Kempen
Thomas Haemerkken
Thomas Hammerlein
Thomas Hemerken
Thomas Hämerken
Thomas a Kempis
Thomas von Kempen à Kempis
More quotes by Thomas a Kempis
You are a man, not God you are human, not an angel. How can you expect to remain always in a constant state of virtue, when this was not possible even for an angel of Heaven, nor for the first man in the Garden?
Thomas a Kempis
Simplicity reaches out after God purity discovers and enjoys Him.
Thomas a Kempis
Love is a great thing, a good above all others, which alone maketh every burden light.
Thomas a Kempis
It is easier not to speak a word at all than to speak more words than we should.
Thomas a Kempis
Great tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise nor blame.
Thomas a Kempis
The better you understand yourself the less cause you will find to love yourself.
Thomas a Kempis
The reflections on a day well spent furnish us with joys more pleasing than ten thousand triumphs.
Thomas a Kempis
For things that worth little or nothing we care a lot and we oversight what is necessary because every man goes towards the exterior and if he doesn't regain consciousness quickly, with pleasure remain involved in it.
Thomas a Kempis
A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike.
Thomas a Kempis
Thou shalt rest sweetly if thy heart condemn thee not.
Thomas a Kempis
Dispose thyself to patience rather than to comfort, and to the bearing of the cross rather than to gladness.
Thomas a Kempis
Carry the cross patiently, and with perfect submission and in the end it shall carry you.
Thomas a Kempis
Love flies, runs, and rejoices it is free and nothing can hold it back.
Thomas a Kempis
Love is a mighty power, a great and complete good. Love alone lightens every burden, and makes rough places smooth. It bears every hardship as though it were nothing, and renders all bitterness sweet and acceptable.
Thomas a Kempis
He rides pleasantly enough whom the grace of God carries.
Thomas a Kempis
Be Yourself -The man who is neither bent upon pleasing his fellows nor afraid of offending them will enjoy great peace.
Thomas a Kempis
Christ willed to suffer and be despised and do you dare complain of the same? Christ had adversaries and backbiters and do you wish to have all men your friends and benefactors? When shall your patience attain her crown if no adversity befalls you? If you are willing to suffer naught that is against you, how will you be the friend of Christ?
Thomas a Kempis
All His glory and beauty come from within, and there He delights to dwell, His visits there are frequent, His conversation sweet, His comforts refreshing and His peace passing all understanding.
Thomas a Kempis
Love alone makes heavy burdens light and bears in equal balance things pleasing and displeasing. Love bears a heavy burden and does not feel it, and love makes bitter things tasteful and sweet.
Thomas a Kempis
A life without purpose is a languid, drifting thing Every day we ought to review our purpose, saying to ourselves: This day let me make a sound beginning, for what we have hitherto done is naught!
Thomas a Kempis