Inspirational Quotes
My whole strength lies in prayer and sacrifice, these are my invincible arms they can move hearts far better than words, I know it by experience.
Therese of Lisieux
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Therese of Lisieux
More quotes by Therese of Lisieux
Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.
Therese of Lisieux
For me, prayer is an upward leap of the heart, an untroubled glance towards heaven, a cry of gratitude and love which I utter from the depths of sorrow as well as from the heights of joy.
Therese of Lisieux
How I loved the feasts!.... I especially loved the processions in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. What a joy it was for me to throw flowers beneath the feet of God!... I was never so happy as when I saw my roses touch the sacred Monstrance.
Therese of Lisieux
In that first 'fusion' with Jesus (holy communion), it was my Heavenly Mother again who accompanied me to the altar for it was she herself who placed her Jesus into my soul.
Therese of Lisieux
I am simply content to find myself always imperfect, and in this I find my joy. Good deeds count as nothing, if done without love.
Therese of Lisieux
The world's thy ship and not thy home.
Therese of Lisieux
He does not call those who are worthy, but those whom He wills.
Therese of Lisieux
You heard me, only Friend whom I love. To ravish my heart, you became man. You shed your blood, what a supreme mystery!... And you still live for me on the Altar. If I cannot see the brilliance of your Face Or hear your sweet voice, O my God, I can live by your grace, I can rest on your Sacred Heart!
Therese of Lisieux
For one pain endured with joy, we shall love the good God more forever.
Therese of Lisieux
The great majority of men use their own short-sighted ideas as a yardstick for measuring the divine omnipotence.
Therese of Lisieux
If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.
Therese of Lisieux
We must do everything we are obliged to do give without reckoning, practice virtue whenever opportunity offers, constantly overcome ourselves, prove our love by all the little acts of tenderness and consideration we can muster. In a word, we must produce all the good works that lie within our strength - out of love for God.
Therese of Lisieux
Let us go forward in peace, our eyes upon heaven, the only one goal of our labors.
Therese of Lisieux
O Jesus! on this day, you have fulfilled all my desires. From now on, near the Eucharist, I shall be able To sacrifice myself in silence, to wait for Heaven in peace. Keeping myself open to the rays of the Divine Host, In this furnace of love, I shall be consumed, And like a seraphim, Lord, I shall love You.
Therese of Lisieux
I am very far from practicing what I understand.
Therese of Lisieux
I prefer the monotony of obscure sacrifice to all ecstasies. To pick up a pin for love can convert a soul.
Therese of Lisieux
The country in which I live is not my native country, that lies elsewhere, and it must always be the center of my longings.
Therese of Lisieux
Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love.
Therese of Lisieux
In trial or difficulty I have recourse to Mother Mary, whose glance alone is enough to dissipate every fear.
Therese of Lisieux
Sufferings gladly borne for others convert more people than sermons.
Therese of Lisieux