Inspirational Quotes
I used to pray to recover you.
Sylvia Plath
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Sylvia Plath
Age: 30 †
Born: 1932
Born: October 27
Died: 1963
Died: February 11
Victoria Lucas
Sylvia Plath Hughes
More quotes by Sylvia Plath
I never feel so much myself as when I'm in a hot bath.
Sylvia Plath
The silence depressed me. It wasn't the silence of silence. It was my own silence.
Sylvia Plath
Dying Is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well.
Sylvia Plath
Go out and do something. It isn’t your room that’s a prison, it’s yourself.
Sylvia Plath
So learn about life. Cut yourself a big slice with the silver server, a big slice of pie. Open your eyes. Let life happen.
Sylvia Plath
How can I tell Bob that my happiness streams from having wrenched a piece out of my life, a piece of hurt and beauty, and transformed it to typewritten words on paper? How can he know I am justifying my life, my keen emotions, my feeling, by turning it into print?
Sylvia Plath
I do not fear it: I have been there.
Sylvia Plath
I hurl my heart to halt his pace.
Sylvia Plath
Secretly, in studies and attics and schoolrooms all over America, people must be writing.
Sylvia Plath
If they substituted the word 'Lust' for 'Love' in the popular songs it would come nearer the truth.
Sylvia Plath
I talk to God but the sky is empty.
Sylvia Plath
What I want back is what I was Before the bed, before the knife, Before the brooch-pin and the salve Fixed me in this parenthesis Horses fluent in the wind, A place, a time gone out of mind.
Sylvia Plath
Ironically, Henry James' biography comforts me & I long to make known to him his posthumous reputation he wrote, in pain, gave all his life (which is more than I could think of doing I have Ted, will have children but few friends) & the critics insulted & mocked him, readers didn't read him.
Sylvia Plath
You are the one. Solid the spaces lean on, envious. You are the baby in the barn.
Sylvia Plath
I felt very low. I had been unmasked only that morning by Jay Cee herself, and I felt now that all the uncomfortable suspicions I had about myself were coming true. After nineteen years of running after good marks and prizes and grants of one sort and another, I was letting up, slowing down, dropping clean out of race.
Sylvia Plath
No, I won't try to escape myself by losing myself in artificial chatter 'Did you have a nice vacation?' 'Oh, yes, and you?' I'll stay here and try to pin that loneliness down.
Sylvia Plath
There is so much hurt in this game of searching for a mate, of testing, trying. And you realize suddenly that you forgot it was a game, and turn away in tears.
Sylvia Plath
And you grit your teeth, despising yourself for your tremulous sensitivity, and wondering how human beings can suffer their individualities to be mercilessly crushed under a machinelike dictatorship, be it of industry, state or organization, all their lives long.
Sylvia Plath
It is best to meet in a cul-de-sac, A palace of velvet With windows of mirrors. There one is safe, There are no family photographs, No rings through the nose, no cries.
Sylvia Plath
I find that in a novel I can get more of life, perhaps not such intense life, but certainly more of life than in poetry.
Sylvia Plath