Inspirational Quotes
The arts are the hospitals for our souls.
Suzanne Farrell
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Suzanne Farrell
Age: 79
Born: 1945
Born: August 16
Ballet Dancer
More quotes by Suzanne Farrell
When you are on stage, you don't see faces. The lights are in your eyes and you see just this black void out in front of you. And yet you know there is life out there, and you have to get your message across.
Suzanne Farrell
I think especially in a world where you have so little say about what goes on in your life, or in the politics of the world around you, it is wonderful to go into that studio, and tell yourself what to do.
Suzanne Farrell
Fifth positions, heads, musicality, energy. Not technical things so much-getting your leg higher or doing more turns but things that would set you apart from other dancers. The only way you can be different is to be yourself if you don't find your spirit and reveal it, you just look like every other dancer.
Suzanne Farrell
Although we do come from a silent profession, it is important for us to verbalize what we want to say. (As I tell my students): you could love someone all your life, but if you never say it how are they going to know? There comes a point when you have to say what you mean, which makes you scream louder when you dance.
Suzanne Farrell
Even though I am a professional, and I know what the steps are, I don't quite know how I'm going to do them, because I haven't lived that moment yet. I always feel very insecure and I get very excited.
Suzanne Farrell
In fact, ballet companies did not exist in the Midwest when I was a child.
Suzanne Farrell
And I just thought, this is what I want to be. And I knew that dancing would be my chosen profession.
Suzanne Farrell
There is pain and sacrifice in everyone's world. That's why, when I was dancing, I had no pain.
Suzanne Farrell
Treat each class as if it were your first.
Suzanne Farrell
I was very happy that I was as normal as possible before I went into serious dance.
Suzanne Farrell
I didn't have any doubts about my choice of career, but I had constant doubts about my ability, yes.
Suzanne Farrell
Good theater should always send people away feeling changed.
Suzanne Farrell
So dancing was not something I had a great desire to do.
Suzanne Farrell
I liked tap, because I liked hearing the results of my movements.
Suzanne Farrell
But what was my motivation was music, and the fact that I love to move around. I'm always moving around.
Suzanne Farrell
After I stopped dancing, I was unable to listen to beautiful music.
Suzanne Farrell
The body can do amazing things in a situation when it is really called for.
Suzanne Farrell
It's ungrateful to be wishing you were doing something else at the moment you are living. You haven't lived in the moment that you are really living, you are wishing you were somewhere else.
Suzanne Farrell
I loved tests because it was another form of competing, a healthy competition.
Suzanne Farrell
Do not brood. It makes the moment you are living in unavailable for learning and life.
Suzanne Farrell