Inspirational Quotes
Only one person in a thousand knows the trick of really living in the present.
Storm Jameson
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Storm Jameson
Age: 95 †
Born: 1891
Born: January 8
Died: 1986
Died: September 30
Science Fiction Writer
North Yorkshire
Margaret Storm Jameson
Margaret Ethel Storm Jameson
More quotes by Storm Jameson
Language is memory and metaphor.
Storm Jameson
Critics have been amusing themselves for a long time by auscultating fiction for signs of heart failure.
Storm Jameson
Writing was a chimney for my blazing ambitions.
Storm Jameson
Is it really beyond our wits to devise some form of censorship which would trap only the crudely sadistic?
Storm Jameson
A joke is a joke or the image of a truth.
Storm Jameson
Great advertising is the expression of deep emotional sincerity.
Storm Jameson
... the truth is exactly that which can't be got into words. We are forced to lie, a little or, if we are inferior, much.
Storm Jameson
My mind is not suited to go much into company.
Storm Jameson
No form of art repeats or imitates successfully all that can be said by another the writer conveys his experience of life along a channel of communication closed to painter, mathematician, musician, film-maker.
Storm Jameson
One of the uncovenanted benefits of living for a long time is that, having so many more dead than living friends, death can appear as a step backwards into the joyous past.
Storm Jameson
If you think with enough energy about a hoped-for event, it will in the end happen. Not because you willed it. Because it was all the time in your nature.
Storm Jameson
A politician is forced to make a habit of noble phrases and optimistic lies. In the end they infect himself.
Storm Jameson
I am never happier than when I am alone in a foreign city it is as if I had become invisible.
Storm Jameson
The impossible talked of is less impossible from the moment words are laid to it.
Storm Jameson
Fear is the deep motive of abstract art - fear of a repellent civilization which is dominated by the power of things. ... who can be surprised if, more sensitive than the others, the artist is terrified by the power things have acquired over us?
Storm Jameson
Nothing lasts. Not even a great sorrow.
Storm Jameson
The past is able to close round certain moments, as if they were seeds, and deliver them again fresh and living in the present.
Storm Jameson
Language is one of the thin walls humanity has built up over centuries against its own bestial and destructive impulses.
Storm Jameson
To reject censorship after studying the risks involved is very well. To reject it ex cathedra, in the tones of Calvin pronouncing a dogma, eyes and mind closed to the possible consequences, the even marginally possible, is to make things too comfortable for oneself.
Storm Jameson
The strangest thing about life is not its frightful cruelty, but that it can be gentle.
Storm Jameson