Inspirational Quotes
Writing for adults often means just increasing the swearing - but find an alternative to swearing and you've probably got a better line.
Steven Moffat
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Steven Moffat
Age: 63
Born: 1961
Born: November 18
Executive Producer
Science Fiction Writer
Television Producer
Television Writer
Steven William Moffat
More quotes by Steven Moffat
Amy: I had something I wanted to tell him. Stuff always gets in the way. Canton: Stuff does that.
Steven Moffat
Have you met the French? My...GOD they know how to party!
Steven Moffat
It’s been a long time since Sherlock Holmes jumped off that roof - it’s time to reveal the truth about what happened between him and the pavement.
Steven Moffat
If you don't expect to like someone and then you do, that's an incredibly exciting moment.
Steven Moffat
You have to take your own bold approach, and if you do you will be rewarded with success. Or calamitous failure. That can happen too.
Steven Moffat
If you take most men aside when their wives are pregnant, most men are pretty frightened and worried and faintly disgusted by the whole experience.
Steven Moffat
The trouble with a series as it gets older is it can feel like a tradition, and tradition is the enemy of suspense, and it's the enemy of comedy. It's the enemy of everything, really. So you have to shake it up.
Steven Moffat
It's a funny thing about stories. It doesn't feel like you make them up, more like you find them. You type and type and you know you haven't got it yet, because somewhere out there, there's that perfect thing -- the unexpected ending that was always going to happen. That place you've always been heading for, but never expected to go.
Steven Moffat
Like most writers, I write about what has happened to me as that involves the minimum amount of research.
Steven Moffat
Peter Capaldi, will always be Doctor Who. You retain the title forever. Ask your predecessors, they all think they're the real one. I've had Sunday lunch with Peter Davidson and David Tennant and they're eyeing each other like, 'It's me!
Steven Moffat
When writing comedy, you have to have the confidence to believe that there is only one type of relationship in the world, and we are all having it, that all men behave in the same way and so do all women.
Steven Moffat
Reinette: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.
Steven Moffat
Time travel is always more magical somehow when you go into the past. Traveling into the future is something you do, every day. You're just not going to get very far. So, I rather like the past travel.
Steven Moffat
We have a plan to top it. And I do think our plan is devastating. We’ve practically reduced our cast to tears telling them the plan … we’re probably more excited that we’ve ever been about Sherlock.
Steven Moffat
There's one thing you don't put in a trap, if you're smart, if you value your continued existance, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there is one thing you never ever put in a trap. And what would that be sir? Me
Steven Moffat
I don't think, generally speaking, people become writers because they were the really good, really cool, attractive kid in class. I'll be honest. This is our revenge for people who were much better looking and more popular than us. I was a bit like that, I suppose.
Steven Moffat
What is immutable about Sherlock Holmes? He favors reason over emotion, but actually underneath that, there is a lot of emotion going on. You can't suddenly make him ordinary because he would hate that. He's not suddenly going to be somebody else.
Steven Moffat
I find it's bizarre that science fiction is the one branch of television to push the idea of strong female characters. And I only call it bizarre because strong women aren't fiction.
Steven Moffat
The Doctor: 'You know when grown-ups tell you everything's going to be fine, but you really think they're lying to make you feel better?' Amelia: 'Yeah...' The Doctor: 'Everything's going to be fine.
Steven Moffat
River Song: Right, I have questions. But number one is this: what in the name of sanity have you got on your head? The Doctor: It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.
Steven Moffat