Inspirational Quotes
I wouldn't mind being taller, because when I'm in the company of people who are absurdly tall, there's something about them that I can't help admiring.
Steve Albini
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Steve Albini
Age: 63
Born: 1961
Born: July 22
Audio Engineer
Music Journalist
Poker Player
Record Producer
More quotes by Steve Albini
My father was an expert hunter, so we ate a lot of wild game when I was growing up in Montana. That helped broaden my palate generally, but I know it informed my distaste for factory farms and unspectacular commercial meat.
Steve Albini
It betrays hubris on the part of the artist to think his medium is limiting him, and I think we all recognize this
Steve Albini
My dad, Frank Addison Albini, was a terrific shot with a rifle and had generally excellent hunting skills. While my dad loved hunting and fishing, he didnt romanticize them. He was filling the freezer, not intellectualizing some caveman impulse or proving his worth as a real man.
Steve Albini
In heaven, after antipasti, the first course will be pasta.
Steve Albini
A lot of musicians are good cooks, and a lot of cooks are musicians, but I think that may just be a result of the creative impulse finding several means of expression. Probably an equivalent number are visual artists, woodworkers or compulsive liars.
Steve Albini
Clip your year-end column and put it away for 10 years. See if you don’t feel like an idiot when you reread it.
Steve Albini
I'm not really interested in participating in mainstream culture. Participating in the mainstream music business is, to me, like getting involved in a racket. There's no way you can get involved in a racket and not someway be filthied by it.
Steve Albini
Suicide was such a formative band for me, so influential in the development of my taste. They're one of those bands that operated in absolute isolation for so long that they developed a completely unique world view.
Steve Albini
The band cannot sign to another label or even put out its own material unless they are released from their agreement, which never happens.
Steve Albini
New York has magnificent eating available, both in restaurants and in the materials available to home cooks in the many specialty markets.
Steve Albini
What's the most outrageous thing I've ever done? Let's just say I don't think I've done it yet. The most outrageous thing is yet to come.
Steve Albini
Many rock musicians are excellent cooks, I've found, and those that are prefer to eat their own cooking in the studio. I encourage this behavior as I also enjoy the benefits of fresh food
Steve Albini
Almost any decent cook will make food by eye and taste. Virtually all of my family cooked that way.
Steve Albini
Cooking is about presenting flavors and other aspects of food in a way that makes best use of them and makes an engaging, satisfying meal. Taste necessarily comes into it along with technique. Some ingredients require cooking, cleaning or otherwise denaturing them, some are fine as they are.
Steve Albini
We have no general conceptual thrust for the band, other than trying to make music that keeps our interest. When things are novel, they are probably things we have discovered by accident or investigation rather than by design
Steve Albini
I don't feel like embarrassing Kurt by talking about what a psycho hosebeast his wife is, especially when he knows it already.
Steve Albini
I'm not a particularly good cook. Part of it is that it is the kind of cooking anybody could do if they bothered. It's improvisational. I cook with whatever I have laying around.
Steve Albini
Doubt the conventional wisdom unless you can verify it with reason and experiment
Steve Albini
By now all rock bands are wise enough to be suspicious of music industry scum
Steve Albini
Im busy doing my job, and being a loudmouth doesnt appeal to me as much as when I was younger and had the youthful delusion that I was smarter than everybody else.
Steve Albini