Inspirational Quotes
Being the companion of the folk of this world is fire. There must be an Abraham if the fire is not going to burn [you].
Shams Tabrizi
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Shams Tabrizi
Age: 63 †
Born: 1185
Born: January 1
Died: 1248
Died: January 1
Shams-e Tabrizi
Shams-i Tabrizi
Shams ad-Din Muhammad
More quotes by Shams Tabrizi
Do not worry about tricks and cheaters. If some people are trying to trap and hurt you, Allah is also trapping them. Hole diggers will always fall in their holes. No bad remains unpunished, and no good remains without being awarded, so have faith in justice and let the rest be.
Shams Tabrizi
For anew Self to be born, hardship is necessary. Just as clay needs to go through intense heat to become strong, Love can only be perfected in pain.
Shams Tabrizi
While the parts change, the whole always remains the same. For every thief who departs this world, a new one is born. And every decent person who passes away is replaced by a new one. In this way not only does nothing remain the same but also nothing ever really changes.
Shams Tabrizi
A good man complains of no one he does not look to faults.
Shams Tabrizi
We can only learn and advance with contradictions. The faithful inside should meet the doubtful. The doubtful should meet the faithful. Human slowly advances and becomes mature when he accepts his contradictions.
Shams Tabrizi
A life without love is a waste. 'Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?', don't ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn't need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center... either you are out, yearning.
Shams Tabrizi
Nothing kills the soul that commands to evil (Nafs al Ammarra) like seeing the beauty of the heart.
Shams Tabrizi
If you are insulted, if you are accused, if they gossip about you, don't say anything bad. Don't be the one who sees the shame, be the one who corrects it.
Shams Tabrizi
Instead of resisting to changes, surrender. Let life be with you, not against you. If you think ‘My life will be upside down’ don’t worry. How do you know down is not better than upside?
Shams Tabrizi
The salat can be made up for, but there is no making up for false show or outward worship without presence.
Shams Tabrizi
You learn by reading but understand by LOVE.
Shams Tabrizi
The universe is a complete unique entity. Everything and everyone is bound together with some invisible strings. Do not break anyone’s heart do not look down on weaker than you. One’s sorrow at the other side of the world can make the entire world suffer one’s happiness can make the entire world smile.
Shams Tabrizi
Whoever lives as he sees fit will not die as he sees fit.
Shams Tabrizi
It is pointless trying to know where the way leads. Think only about your first step, the rest will come.
Shams Tabrizi
Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full.
Shams Tabrizi
The real dirt is not outside, but inside, in our hearts. We can wash all stains with water. The only one we can't remove is the grudge and the bad intentions sticking to our hearts.
Shams Tabrizi
Love is a travel. All travelers whether they want or not are changed. No one can travel into love and remain the same.
Shams Tabrizi
Remove all the walls and curtains so you can get closer and purely love. Have principles but do not use them to exclude or to judge the others. Stay far from idols, specially from those you made from your own principles. Have a powerful faith, but do not play the powerful.
Shams Tabrizi
Most of conflicts and tensions are due to language. Don't pay so much attention to the words. In love’s country, language doesn't have its place. Love's mute.
Shams Tabrizi
Be sure that someday you'll praise and thank God for your unanswered prayers that once you had wept for them.
Shams Tabrizi