Inspirational Quotes
Whenever I have to do something, I try to minimise the time it takes me to do it. I just cannot wait.
Sebastian Vettel
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Sebastian Vettel
Age: 37
Born: 1987
Born: July 3
F1 Driver
Formula One Driver
Motorsports Competitor
Racing Automobile Driver
More quotes by Sebastian Vettel
I don't care what other people think as long as I am happy. The day I die or retire, I have blown all my chances because I don't have the chance any more to change my image as an F1 driver.
Sebastian Vettel
I remember my first test in F1. After five laps, I came back to the pits and tried to play it cool - 'Oh yeah, I'm fine, I'm on top of this' - but I was completely lost.
Sebastian Vettel
All these nice people saying I'm going to be world champion won't make me any faster, you have to believe it yourself.
Sebastian Vettel
I'm German but I didn't say that. I have no moustache.
Sebastian Vettel
Maybe Ferrari's mirrors are excellent & have HD resolution
Sebastian Vettel
Sometimes you need to press pause to let everything sink in.
Sebastian Vettel
I was quite emotional when I finished my lap, but had to wait for other drivers to cross the line to hear whether I'd actually done it. It feels very special, but I acknowledge that the old master, Nigel Mansell, took his 14 poles from only 16 races.
Sebastian Vettel
Unbelievable how silly this Formula 1 is these days, with this stupid overtakes.
Sebastian Vettel
I'm very proud to be the first winner of the Indian Grand Prix, but then on the other hand we recently lost two of our mates. I didn't know Dan Wheldon, but he was big in motorsport, and then this year I got to know Marco Simoncelli, so our thoughts are with them at the moment.
Sebastian Vettel
I don't care too much what happened in the past. I prefer to focus on what is coming next and I am really looking forward to it.
Sebastian Vettel
We have reason to feel good, but it's also a threat to feel too good and I will pay attention that that doesn't happen.
Sebastian Vettel
After 10 weeks away from Formula One, when they started the engine here at Valencia and everything was vibrating, I found myself sitting in the RB7 and smiling.
Sebastian Vettel
The moment money becomes your motivation, you are immediately not as good as someone who is stimulated by passion and internal will.
Sebastian Vettel
I come from an ordinary family - my dad is a carpenter, a roof-maker - and we've always loved racing together.
Sebastian Vettel
At the end of your life, it's friendships, emotions and thoughts that you take with you, rather than what's in your bank account. So, even though people don't have a lot here, they are a lot richer in many ways and we can learn from that.
Sebastian Vettel
It's correct that I'm a bad loser. Why should I lie? If I was good at losing I wouldn't be in Formula 1. I think it's more honest to act how you really feel than pretending to be the smiling boy who actually isn't in the mood to smile.
Sebastian Vettel
Never lift. Never stop believing.
Sebastian Vettel
If anyone can achieve the impossible it’s you. Please, please, get it again.
Sebastian Vettel
Driving at high speed where safe and legal is part of my life. As well as a higher top speed I wanted even better stability in my FX and that meant work on the aerodynamics.
Sebastian Vettel
It's very shocking for me to see pictures from my win here in 2008. I aged.
Sebastian Vettel