Inspirational Quotes
Jesus wanted far more than to be accepted into one's life. He wanted to take over, and his essential call was to trust him enough to surrender one's entire being to him.
Scot McKnight
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Scot McKnight
Age: 71
Born: 1953
Born: November 9
More quotes by Scot McKnight
Angels, inasmuch as they come from the Throne Room of the Thrice-holy God, usher us into the presence of God once removed and such encounters with God are more powerful and overwhelming than ordinary moments with God.
Scot McKnight
We don't ask what the Bible says, we ask what God says to us in that Bible. The difference is a difference between paper and person.
Scot McKnight
Angels emerge from the presence of God and worship of God, are sent on mission for our redemption, so it doesn't surprise me to read in the Bible of angels leading us into the presence of God in worship.
Scot McKnight
Angels will frequently - even when they're comforting us with good news - touch the awe of God's eternal presence and drive us to our knees before our God of glory.
Scot McKnight
To walk into the Jefferson memorial is to be in a temple of the pure idolatry of reason
Scot McKnight
Angels are spirits on mission, and that mission is God's. So, we can say that God, out of his love, sends angels to aid us in our redemption. Angels are sent for our redemption, and that redemption leads us all the way into the heights of worship.
Scot McKnight
Many think Jesus came to earth so you and I can have a special kind of spiritual experience and then go merrily along, as long as we pray and read our Bibles and develop intimacy with the unseen God but ignore the others-oriented life of justice and love and peace that Jesus embodied.
Scot McKnight
The angels of the Bible terrify the humans to whom they visit they startle and scare and even stun the humans. Why? Because in the Bible angels are colossal figures, fiery in light and, more often than not, overwhelming in their power. Angels, then, in the Bible are supernatural beings that humble us in their presence.
Scot McKnight
What the church most needs is not heroes of faith, but faithful followers of Jesus.
Scot McKnight
God's idea of redemption is community-shaped.
Scot McKnight
God loves us and seeks our redemption, at times through angels.
Scot McKnight
God's love entails a covenant commitment on the part of with us, and that covenant commitment means a promise to be with us and for us, and God's covenant is shaped toward our redemption.
Scot McKnight
Angels are here and around us perhaps all around us. But we have to have an ear for them and an eye for them, and that only comes when we have the courage and faith to open ourselves to a world inhabited by more than humans and animals. There are angels around us.
Scot McKnight
... the Eucharist profoundly enables the grace of God to be received with all its glories and blessings.
Scot McKnight
Love one another strenuously because it's hard.
Scot McKnight
God is love so all God does is loving.
Scot McKnight
Prayer is the way to die to our own wishes and surrender everything to God.
Scot McKnight