Inspirational Quotes
I don't trust men everybody likes. Being nice isn't the same as being good.
Sarah Rees Brennan
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Sarah Rees Brennan
Age: 41
Born: 1983
Born: September 21
More quotes by Sarah Rees Brennan
It’s bits of dead cow don’t ask it to perform miracles.
Sarah Rees Brennan
I don't lie to you, Alan said. I lie WITH you. Sin stopped looking up at him from under her eyelashes and burst out laughing. Alan went red. So I've just realized how that come out. Uh.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Don't feel bad, Angela, Kami said. You know guys, they only want one thing. Repartee. I can't count how many times men have admired my well-turned phrases.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Romance is something people make fun of others for caring about, and yet it’s something that’s very natural to care about—it’s a loving connection between people, like family and friendships: it’s a significant emotional choice people make.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Forest deep, silent bells There's a secret no one tells Valley quiet, water still Lynburns watching on the hill Apples red, corn gold Almost everyone grows old
Sarah Rees Brennan
And what are your interests and hobbies, Nicholas? Annabel asked faintly, sounding like a cross between a television interviewer and a hostage. Nick considered this for a minute, and then said I like swords. Annabel leaned over her plate and asked, her voice changing You fence? Not exactly, Nick drawled. I'm more freestyle.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Listen to me. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what any of this means. But I know this much. It doesn’t matter. You’re not one of them. You never were. You’re not theirs. You’re mine.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Why were you even there? Kami asked. Were you following me home? Are you asking me if I was stalking you? Maybe, said Kami. Were you? Yeah, said Jared. Little bit.
Sarah Rees Brennan
She had worried that she would break if her heart broke, but she wasn't broken. she had lost everything, but she was not lost. It seemed a worthwhile thing to know.
Sarah Rees Brennan
I'm sorry about your face. Jamie looked over his shoulder, and touched the demon's mark crawling along his jaw with the back of his hand. Sorry about saving all our lives by doing something you had to do? Oh no, Nick said blandly. I just meant, you know. Generally.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Ash should take the ladies, because he's charming. Ash looked pleased. Jared raised his eyebrows. Are you saying that I'm not a charmer? You are very dear to me, but you have all the savoir faire of a wildebeest, Kami told him. A wildebeest, Jared repeated. A dashingly handsome wildebeest, Kami assured him.
Sarah Rees Brennan
There are none so deaf as those listening to ‘All by Myself’ over and over and over again.
Sarah Rees Brennan
How many fingers am I holding up? he inquired. Lucille regarded him blearily and said, Avocado.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Alan: Conning people out of their savings. Forgery. Blackmail. Selling real estate on Mars. We could have it all. You with me, Bambi? Sin: Clive, I was with you from 'I'm a social worker.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Real life is sometimes boring, rarely conclusive and boy, does the dialogue need work.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Nick is driving us, Jamie informed him. Nick has a car. Nick has TWO cars. Ha!
Sarah Rees Brennan
If you’re calling her a floozy, I’m by way of being a bit of a floozy myself.” “Oh, Jared,” said Kami, who was well aware of his romantic experience, or total lack thereof. “You are not.” “Well, I have floozy ambitions.
Sarah Rees Brennan
I want to burn the world because Alan is gone, he said. I want to destroy everything I see. But you mean something to me. I will not destroy the world, because it has you in it.
Sarah Rees Brennan
Oh no, Nick Jaime said in tones of supremely unconvincing shock, how could you? When my back was turned for one momement. And my food was so delicious.
Sarah Rees Brennan
I have a serious girls’ night question for you,” said Kami. “I know you’re new to this, but I will require an answer quickly. Are you prepared to eat at least five éclairs tonight?
Sarah Rees Brennan