Inspirational Quotes
Expect to have hope rekindled. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
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Sarah Ban Breathnach
More quotes by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Many of us squander precious natural resources -time, creative energy, emotion- comparing our talents to those of others. Today ask Spirit to call forth your authentic gifts, so that you might know them, acknowledge them, and own them.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
the more naps you take, the more awakenings you experience.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present ... we experience heaven on earth.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
A powerful connection between two people is a potent psychic factor that exists regardless of either person's opinion about the relationship.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
New Year's Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Today is not the day you quit. Nor is it the day you cry. Today you know that you have all the passion and wisdom to find that quiet center of solace, serenity and strength necessary to create and sustain an authentic life.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
The only person in all the world who can give you pleasure, or deny it, is yourself. No matter how much we love someone, the decision to experience pleasure, and to make room for it in our lives, is an internal one. If you are resistant, you could be around the most joyous people in the world and be miserable.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
You've got to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old - whatever the old means for you.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Sometimes when we awaken from the bad dream of disowning ourselves, we think that the sojourn to self-discovery is a new one. But it is an ancient quest.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
As the season of believing seems to wind down let me gently remind you that many dreams still wait in the wings. Many authentic sparks must be fanned before passion performs her perfect work in you. Throw another log on the fire.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
As we become curators of our own contentment on the Simple Abundance path... we learn to savor the small with a grateful heart.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
This is how women self-sabotage and self-destruct. Unless we have constant witnesses to our hard work, we are convinced we pull off every day of our lives through smoke and mirrors. (27)
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Being Grateful. That is the first step on the path to Joy.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Dare yourself to believe in your creativity, wherever it may lead you. Trust that where it leads, is exactly where you're supposed to be. Your authentic self knows where you're headed. Don't wrestle with Spirit, collaborate with it.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can appreciate it.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Make peace with the knowledge that you can't have everything you want. Why? Because it's more important for us to get everything we need.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
The key to loving how you live is in knowing what it is you truly love.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Whatever you are waiting for-peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of Simple Abundance-it will surely come, but only when you are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Conscious choice is creative. Unconscious choice is destructive. That is how we end up living other people's lives.
Sarah Ban Breathnach