Inspirational Quotes
The key to loving how you live is in knowing what it is you truly love.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
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Sarah Ban Breathnach
More quotes by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Our deepest wishes are whispers of our authentic selves. We must learn to respect them. We must learn to listen.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Many of us squander precious natural resources -time, creative energy, emotion- comparing our talents to those of others. Today ask Spirit to call forth your authentic gifts, so that you might know them, acknowledge them, and own them.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
One of the most important milestones we'll all hit along the way is the moment when we finally own our unique point of view and realize how priceless it is.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Being Grateful. That is the first step on the path to Joy.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
When you learn what you can live without, you are able to ask life for the very best because you possess the gift of discernment. You are able to create an authentic life because you are able to make conscious choices.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Remember, no matter what life throws at us, we can always bake a cake!
Sarah Ban Breathnach
No behavior can be changed before it's acknowledged. And no addiction is beyond the reach of Love.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Your heart will always tell you what’s working and what’s not.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Start moving, a step at a time, step after step. The positive momentum will take you from there.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
We can then offer the universe the gift of our grateful hearts.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Success is not just money in the bank but a contented heart and peace of mind.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
The greatest secret to living a happy, fulfilled life is the realization that everything is created in our minds before it manifests itself in the outer world. We must believe it before we can see it.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Deliberately seeking solitude-quality time spent away from family and friends-may seem selfish. It is not. Solitude is as necessary for our creative spirits to develop and flourish as are sleep and food for our bodies to survive.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
This moment is your life. It is the process of living, the journey, that is life itself, and we often wish away our lives by focusing only on what tomorrow could, should, would bring.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
...start thinking of yourself as an artist and your life as a work-in-progress. Works-in-progress are never perfect. But changes can be made...Art evolves. So does life. Art is never stagnant. Neither is life. The beautiful, authentic life you are creating for yourself is your art. It's the highest art.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
An authentic life is the most personal form of worship. Everyday life has become my prayer.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Today is not the day you quit. Nor is it the day you cry. Today you know that you have all the passion and wisdom to find that quiet center of solace, serenity and strength necessary to create and sustain an authentic life.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can appreciate it.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Too often we elevate the inconsequential into the influential... by reacting without reflecting.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Today, look at the blue sky, hear the grass growing beneath your feet, inhale the scent of spring, let the fruits of the earth linger on your tongue, reach out and embrace those you love. Ask Spirit to awaken your awareness to the sacredness of your sensory perceptions.
Sarah Ban Breathnach