Inspirational Quotes
Embrace what you don`t know
Sara Blakely
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Sara Blakely
Age: 53
Born: 1971
Born: February 27
Patron Of The Arts
Stand-Up Comedian
More quotes by Sara Blakely
My husband is such a healthy eater. Except when it comes to sweets. He never consumes anything except fruit until noon. And then from noon on he might have some brown rice and some tofu, and then, come eight or nine at night, he orders three mud-pie double-chocolate pieces of cake and eats all three of them.
Sara Blakely
My dad encouraged us to fail. Growing up, he would ask us what we failed at that week. If we didn't have something, he would be disappointed. It changed my mindset at an early age that failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying. Don't be afraid to fail.
Sara Blakely
I got a call from the Oprah Winfrey Show. Oprah had chosen Spanx as one of her favorite products in 2000. I had boxes of product in my apartment and I had two weeks notice that she was going to say she loved it on TV and I had no shipping department.
Sara Blakely
Whatever you can think, you can create just have a very clear vision... Once you have your snapshot, work on filling in the blanks to get to that place.
Sara Blakely
Failure is not attached to outcome, but in not trying. This way, it is about answering to yourself.
Sara Blakely
I didn't want women to walk out of the dressing rooms feeling depressed and wanting a cocktail.
Sara Blakely
Where I get my energy is: 'How can I make it better'?
Sara Blakely
I have this system where if I buy three or four new things, I give away three or four things. Sometimes, it's a very painful system, but shopping is even better when you know that someone else who needs it will be getting. Keep the clothing karma going, I say.
Sara Blakely
What I most identify with is effortless fashion, looking as if someone's not put a lot of effort into their look.
Sara Blakely
I feel like money makes you more of who you already are.
Sara Blakely
Everything about my journey to get Spanx off the ground entailed me having to be a salesperson - from going to the hosiery mills to get a prototype made to calling Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. I had to position myself to get five minutes in the door with buyers.
Sara Blakely
I'll mix a lot of things. I'll wear a Temperley dress with flip flops, or I might be in head-to-toe Gucci and have on a ring that I got from a gumball machine for 50 cents.
Sara Blakely
You’ve got to embrace what you don’t know.
Sara Blakely
I pledge to invest in women because I believe it offers one of the greatest returns on investment. I am committed to the belief that we would all be in a much better place if half the human race (women) were empowered to prosper, invent, be educated, start their own businesses, run for office essentially be given the chance to soar.
Sara Blakely
Failures are life's way of nudging you and letting you know you are off course. Trying new things and not being afraid to fail along the way are more important than what you learn in school.
Sara Blakely
Don't let what you don't know scare you, because it can become your greatest asset.
Sara Blakely
Don't be intimidated by what you don't know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.
Sara Blakely
I'm obsessed with the customer. I am the customer. I really don't think you can go wrong if you don't take your eye off of that. Serving the customer. How does she feel? I feel like the fashion industry has cared a lot about how we look but not about how we feel.
Sara Blakely
I made a conscious decision not to tell anyone in my life. Now I tell people - don't tell anyone your idea until you have invested enough of yourself in it that you are not going to turn back. When a person has an idea at that conception moment it is the most vulnerable - one negative comment could knock you off course.
Sara Blakely
I think failure is nothing more than life's way of nudging you that you are off course.
Sara Blakely