Inspirational Quotes
As I began making my feature films, it was a great adventure. It was about constructing something I saw in my head or I had designed on storyboards and capturing that on film.
Sam Raimi
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Sam Raimi
Age: 65
Born: 1959
Born: October 23
Executive Producer
Film Actor
Film Director
Film Editor
Film Producer
Royal Oak
Samuel Marshall Raimi
More quotes by Sam Raimi
Rob [Tapert], myself and Bruce Campbell sat in hundreds of drive-insnot hundreds, but tens of drive-ins, watching these movies and learning how they were made, and we started to make our own in Super 8. And that’s really how we got into horror films. After a while we learned to really like them, and the craft that went into them.
Sam Raimi
I feel the horror audience is a great audience, and I would ideally make a movie that would give them as much energy as they're willing to give to the picture.
Sam Raimi
I don't like shows, I don't like to put on a show, I just really want to work intimately with my actors.
Sam Raimi
It's lovely being a producer. It's really a lot of fun and I can learn a lot.
Sam Raimi
Nowadays everyone's got the nose rings and the colored hair, so for me to wear the suit and tie is a different way to go.
Sam Raimi
Well it's always been an element of the horror film to show us the gross out. I mean that's one option for all filmmakers making a horror film and it's not something I've found myself above either.
Sam Raimi
Every picture has been a learning opportunity for me.
Sam Raimi
I don't really approach stories to make them different from other stuff I've seen, I just try to get into the character, into his or her head. Try to make it as funny, as scary or as wild as I can so that I really like it.
Sam Raimi
I like a good mono track, it's right up front. I don't need all the surrounds telling me there are birds in the neighbourhood.
Sam Raimi
I've always heard people's criticisms twice as loudly as their praise.
Sam Raimi
I've always been interested in the camera and the effects of it - that's what drew me to film in the first place.
Sam Raimi
I think movies lost a lot when they went to stereo and five-track sound.
Sam Raimi
I've always loved... actually I didn't always love horror films. I started out and I only liked comedies and dramas.
Sam Raimi
You know, I put my little brother in the movies and he's still in the pictures. My mother makes me put him in the pictures.
Sam Raimi
I realized what interested me as a student of film was one thing and the movies that I liked were another.
Sam Raimi
I like something where I can really use my imagination and be an active participant in the construction of the monster and usually that's in the world of the supernatural or the world of the fantastic, so that's why those kinds of stories about demons and the supernatural appeal to me or maybe I'm really interested in that subject.
Sam Raimi
Money opens up wonderful worlds of possibilities.
Sam Raimi
I don't like movies about serial killers, necessarily it's too real and unpleasant for me.
Sam Raimi