Inspirational Quotes
Our mind is always subject to being distracted by thoughts of what happened in the past and ideas of what could happen in the future, but the living experience is what is happening NOW.
Sakyong Mipham
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Sakyong Mipham
Age: 62
Religion Founder
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
More quotes by Sakyong Mipham
This is bravery: using the challenge of daily life to sharpen our mind and open our heart.
Sakyong Mipham
Whatever we do lays a seed in our deepest consciousness, and one day that seed will grow.
Sakyong Mipham
What is amazing is how stuck people are in their own habits. It is really hard to get people out of their habits. But once they shift, it also is amazing how rapid the progress can be.
Sakyong Mipham
Your life and your practice should not be separate. You bring your practice into experience. You bring it about.
Sakyong Mipham
If we cut speed and relax with what’s going on in our life right now, kindness and patience will naturally come about.
Sakyong Mipham
Our only reliable source of strength is the goodness of our hearts. Our only foundation for coming to terms with the suffering of the times is our innate need to be decent human beings.
Sakyong Mipham
It is said that if our intention is to help others-even if we are unable to follow it through-we will never have any regret. Regret is a result of trying to make me happy.
Sakyong Mipham
In a speedy and aggressive culture, we need different principles to live by-bravery and insight. The first moment of bravery is building trust in the mind, which we do in meditation. When we know how to create peace in our own mind, we can transform the world.
Sakyong Mipham
The nature of our mind may be displayed in many ways, but Ashe is the fundamental basis.
Sakyong Mipham
The principles of Buddhism and Shambhala can be effective in helping the course of what is happening in the world.
Sakyong Mipham
If you rise with a positive attitude - because everything is possible, everything is doable - if you have that level of confidence, you exude it. It actually inspires the people around you.
Sakyong Mipham
A lot of people do their practice. They meditate on compassion. Then they yell at people afterwards. That is not quite working. One of the things I try to emphasize is contemplative meditation - bringing your thought and intention into meditation.
Sakyong Mipham
Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results.
Sakyong Mipham
When I was going into one of my first meditation retreats, I asked my father, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, for some advice. He said, How you act when you're alone affects the rest of your life. Even in solitude, the ruler engages in virtue.
Sakyong Mipham
Shambhala does have unique teachings, as do many Buddhist traditions. For example, certain teachings within Shambhala have to do with raising the personal windhorse, or the energy of the individual, so a person has good fortitude to be able to live a good life.
Sakyong Mipham
After you run, there's a sense of accomplishment you feel like your life is meaningful. It's a moment of clarity.
Sakyong Mipham
Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don't even notice it.
Sakyong Mipham
My books definitely are ambassadors, as you called them. They express what the vision is, what the purpose is.
Sakyong Mipham
You need to become more genuine to who you are. So, people pushing you can help take you to the level where you really understand the principles and enter them into action.
Sakyong Mipham
If we are going to live in a society, there has to be an attitude where people really do care for others.
Sakyong Mipham