Inspirational Quotes
Let us not overlook so great a gain.
Saint John Chrysostom
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Saint John Chrysostom
More quotes by Saint John Chrysostom
Him who is dead and gone honor with remembrance, not with tears.
Saint John Chrysostom
Do you think that the man-loving God has given you much so that you could use it only for your own benefit? No, but so that your abundance might supply the lack of others.
Saint John Chrysostom
Prayer is an all-efficient panoply, a treasure undiminished, a mine which is never exhausted, a sky unobscured by clouds, a heaven unruffled by the storm. It is the root, the fountain, the mother of a thousand blessings.
Saint John Chrysostom
He that enjoys naught without thanksgiving is as though he robbed God.
Saint John Chrysostom
When an archer desires to shoot his arrows successfully, he first takes great pains over his posture and aligns himself accurately with his mark. It should be the same for you who are about to shoot the head of the wicked devil. Let us be concerned first for the good order of sensations and then for the good posture of inner thoughts.'
Saint John Chrysostom
It is a shame for a man to desire honor because of his noble progenitors, and not to deserve it by his own virtue.
Saint John Chrysostom
If we approach with faith, we too will see Jesus... for the Eucharistic table takes the place of the crib. Here the Body of the Lord is present, wrapped not in swaddling clothes but in the rays of the Holy Spirit.
Saint John Chrysostom
Faithfulness in little things is a big thing.
Saint John Chrysostom
Good men do not always have grace and favor, lest they should be puffed up, and grow insolent and proud.
Saint John Chrysostom
The desire to rule is the mother of heresies.
Saint John Chrysostom
Surely we ought to show them (animals) great kindness and gentleness for many reasons, but, above all, because they are of the same origin as ourselves.
Saint John Chrysostom
When you are weary of praying, and do not receive, consider how often you have heard a poor man calling, and have not listened to him.
Saint John Chrysostom
There is nothing colder than a Christian who does not seek to save others.
Saint John Chrysostom
You carry your snare everywhere and spread your nets in all places. You allege that you never invited others to sin. You did not indeed, by your words, but you have done so by your dress and your deportment.
Saint John Chrysostom
That is true plenty, not to have, but not to want riches.
Saint John Chrysostom
Consider how august a privilege it is, when angels are present, and archangels throng around, when cherubim and seraphim encircle with their blaze the throne, that a mortal may approach with unrestrained confidence, and converse with heaven's dread Sovereign! O, what honor was ever conferred like this?
Saint John Chrysostom
Shall I tell you of their plundering, their covetousness, their abandonment of the poor, their thefts, their cheating in trade?
Saint John Chrysostom
Nothing will divide the church so much as the love of power.
Saint John Chrysostom
This is the highest point of philosophy, to be simple & wise this is the angelic life.
Saint John Chrysostom
Nothing causes us to so nearly resemble God as the forgiveness of injuries.
Saint John Chrysostom