Inspirational Quotes
Dost thou wish to receive mercy? Show mercy to thy neighbor.
Saint John Chrysostom
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Saint John Chrysostom
More quotes by Saint John Chrysostom
Let us not overlook so great a gain.
Saint John Chrysostom
What greater work is there than training the mind and forming the habits of the young?
Saint John Chrysostom
Let us always guard our tongue not that it should always be silent, but that it should speak at the proper time.
Saint John Chrysostom
Laughter does not seem to be a sin, but it leads to sin.
Saint John Chrysostom
For nothing so much disturbs the mind, though it be done for some beneficial purpose, as to innovate and introduce strange things, and most of all when this is done in matters relating to divine worship and the glory of God.
Saint John Chrysostom
When one is required to preside over the Church, and be entrusted with the care of so many souls, the whole female sex must retire before the magnitude of the task, and the majority of men also.
Saint John Chrysostom
Mary was made Mother of God to obtain salvation for many who, on account of their wicked lives, could not be saved according to the rigor of Divine justice, but might be saved with the help of her sweet mercy and powerful intercession.
Saint John Chrysostom
And all men are ready to pass judgement on the priest as if he was not a being clothed with flesh, or one who inherited a human nature.
Saint John Chrysostom
The test of sincerity of one's prayer is the willingness to labor on its behalf.
Saint John Chrysostom
Whatever you may do for your brother, being hungry, and a stranger, and naked, not even the devil will be able to despoil, but it will be laid up in an inviolabe treasure.
Saint John Chrysostom
Of all the afflictions that burden the human race, there is not one, whether spiritual or bodily, that cannot be healed by the Holy Scriptures.
Saint John Chrysostom
Nothing causes us to so nearly resemble God as the forgiveness of injuries.
Saint John Chrysostom
Surely we ought to show them (animals) great kindness and gentleness for many reasons, but, above all, because they are of the same origin as ourselves.
Saint John Chrysostom
This is what an excellent teacher does he does not follow his disciples' fancy everywhere, but leads them to his own mind, and pulls up the thorns, and then puts the seed in, and does not answer at once in all cases to the questions put to him.
Saint John Chrysostom
Shall I tell you of their plundering, their covetousness, their abandonment of the poor, their thefts, their cheating in trade?
Saint John Chrysostom
Let the mouth also fast from disgraceful speeches and railings. For what does it profit if we abstain from fish and fowl and yet bite and devour our brothers and sisters? The evil speaker eats the flesh of his brother and bites the body of his neighbor.
Saint John Chrysostom
If repentance is neglected for an instant, one can lose the power of the Resurrection as he lives with the weakness of tepidity and the potential of his fall.
Saint John Chrysostom
God asks little, but He gives much.
Saint John Chrysostom
Labor: a powerful medicine.
Saint John Chrysostom
Riches are not forbidden, but the pride of them is.
Saint John Chrysostom