Inspirational Quotes
The best religion the world has ever known is the religion of the Bible. It builds up all that is good.
Rutherford B. Hayes
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Rutherford B. Hayes
Age: 70 †
Born: 1822
Born: October 4
Died: 1893
Died: January 17
19Th U.S. President
Military Officer
Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Rutherford Hayes
R. B. Hayes
President Hayes
More quotes by Rutherford B. Hayes
It is now true that this is God's Country, if equal rights-a fair start and an equal chance in the race of life are everywhere secured to all.
Rutherford B. Hayes
If any of my men kill prisoners, I'll kill them.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Perhaps the happiest moment of my life was then, when I saw that our line didn't break and that the enemy's did.
Rutherford B. Hayes
So far as laws and institutions avail, men should have equality of opportunity for happiness that is, of education, wealth, power. These make happiness secure. An equal diffusion of happiness so far as laws and institutions avail.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Both parties are injured by what is going on at Washington. Both are, therefore, more and more disposed to look for candidates outside of that atmosphere.
Rutherford B. Hayes
He serves his party best who serves the country best.
Rutherford B. Hayes
I hope you will be benefitted by your churchgoing. Where the habit does not Christianize, it generally civilizes. That is reason enough for supporting churches, if there were no higher.
Rutherford B. Hayes
I am succeeding very well so far with my legging, but it is a very mean business for a man that has been well brought up to engage in. It is the only way to get a bill from Cincinnati through, so it must be done.
Rutherford B. Hayes
The gloomy theology of the orthodox--the Calvinists--I do not, I cannot believe. Many of the notions--nay, most of the notions--which orthodox people have of the divinity of the Bible, I disbelieve. I am so nearly infidel in all my views, that too, in spite of my wishes, that none but the most liberal doctrines can command my assent.
Rutherford B. Hayes
I would honor the man who give to his country a good newspaper.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Personally I do not resort to force - not even the force of law - to advance moral reforms. I prefer education, argument, persuasion, and above all the influence of example - of fashion.
Rutherford B. Hayes
The best hopes of any community rest upon that class of its gifted young men who are not encumbered with large possessions.... I now speak of extensive scholarship and ripe culture in science and art.... It is not large possessions, it is large expectations, or rather large hopes, that stimulate the ambition of the young.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Youth, however, is a defect that she is fast getting away from and may perhaps be entirely rid of before I shall want her.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Every age has its temptations, its weaknesses, its dangers. Ours is in the line of the snobbish and the sordid.
Rutherford B. Hayes
For character, to prepare for the inevitable I recommend selections from [Ralph Waldo] Emerson. His writings have done for me far more than all other reading.
Rutherford B. Hayes
I am loaded down to the guards with educational, benevolent, and other miscellaneous public work, I must not attempt to do more. I cannot without neglecting imperative duties.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Free government cannot long endure if property is largely in a few hands, and large masses of people are unable to earn homes, education, and a support in old age.
Rutherford B. Hayes
The religion of the Bible is the best in the world. I see the infinite value of religion. Let it be always encouraged. A world ofsuperstition and folly have grown up around its forms and ceremonies. But the truth in it is one of the deep sentiments in human nature.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Universal suffrage is sound in principle. The radical element is right.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Universal suffrage should rest upon universal education. To this end, liberal and permanent provision should be made for the support of free schools by the State governments, and, if need be, supplemented by legitimate aid from national authority.
Rutherford B. Hayes