Inspirational Quotes
The whole showmanship is NOT to answer every question.
Roman Polanski
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Roman Polanski
Age: 91
Born: 1933
Born: August 18
Character Actor
Film Actor
Film Director
Film Producer
Theatrical Director
Rajmund Roman Thierry PolaĆski
More quotes by Roman Polanski
I don't rehash the past. It's my baggage. That's all. I accept things as they are.
Roman Polanski
I simply think there's life after movies. I have to adhere to this philosophy, and therefore I like other things, and I have other passions. None are as big as movie-making, but they exist.
Roman Polanski
If I had killed somebody, it wouldn't have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But f-ing, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to f- young girls. Juries want to f- young girls. Everyone wants to f- young girls!
Roman Polanski
Normal love isn't interesting. I assure you that it's incredibly boring.
Roman Polanski
I still had some honor... I still have some now.
Roman Polanski
Every failure made me more confident. Because I wanted even more to achieve as revenge, to show that I could.
Roman Polanski
I don't know anyone who is not using drugs for the reason that they're illegal.
Roman Polanski
I admire actors for their infinite patience. That's why they need all those trailers and all their crowd of people who pamper them. But it is a drag to get up sometimes at 4:30 in the morning and get into makeup, and wait forever until they call you onto the set.
Roman Polanski
In Paris, one is always reminded of being a foreigner. If you park your car wrong, it is not the fact that it's on the sidewalk that matters, but the fact that you speak with an accent.
Roman Polanski
I don't think that there would be more users if drugs were legalized.
Roman Polanski
Whenever I get happy, I always have a terrible feeling.
Roman Polanski
I like skiing, among other things, because I have moments when I am alone in the mountains. That's fantastic, when there's nobody around you. You see miles around you, and the sun is almost down .
Roman Polanski
You have to show violence the way it is. If you don't show it realistically, then that's immoral and harmful. If you don't upset people, then that's obscenity.
Roman Polanski
I don't really know what is shocking. When you tell the story of a man who is beheaded, you have to show how they cut off his head. If you don't, it's like telling a dirty joke and leaving out the punch line.
Roman Polanski
I never made a film which fully satisfied me.
Roman Polanski
When I really love a movie, I don't want to spoil it by too frequent visits. But I like to come back to certain films, which I admire.
Roman Polanski
To the audience it doesn't really matter how much the director struggled with an actor. It's the result that counts.
Roman Polanski
My films are the expression of momentary desires. I follow my instincts, but in a disciplined way.
Roman Polanski