Inspirational Quotes
You never pull the trigger until you know you can win.
Roger Ailes
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Roger Ailes
Age: 77 †
Born: 1940
Born: May 15
Died: 2017
Died: May 18
Television Producer
Roger Eugene Ailes
More quotes by Roger Ailes
I think the worst decision is usually no decision. If you make the wrong decision you can usually course-correct, but if you don't make it, you've already made it, and it's usually the bad one.
Roger Ailes
I only understand friendship or scorched earth.
Roger Ailes
The thing you always have to remember is, you look at people and they might look like a failure but there's often a narrow thing they do very well.
Roger Ailes
I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.
Roger Ailes
When the media gets into creating their own product and then deciding to cover it, they are becoming part of the process and, therefore, could be damaged.
Roger Ailes
Television and I grew up together.
Roger Ailes
They [NPR] are, of course, Nazis. They have a kind of Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism. These guys don't want any other point of view. They don't even feel guilty using tax dollars to spout their propaganda. They are basically Air America with government funding to keep them alive.
Roger Ailes
Phrase it in an interesting way don't phrase it in a mean or unfriendly way. Bob Dole said that if there's anything he would have done differently, he would have said [to George Bush] Start telling the truth about my record instead of Stop lying about my record. Frankly, had he done that, life might be different for Bob Dole today.
Roger Ailes
You can get people the qualifications But you can't teach them the qualities they're going to need. You can't teach integrity, a drive for excellence, refusal to quit under pressure. It's too late to build that into people you're going to hire.
Roger Ailes
I don't have any focus groups on talent and programming. If I need five people in a mall to be paid $40 to tell me how to do my job, I shouldn't do my job.
Roger Ailes
I don't care what the polls say.
Roger Ailes
Just because somebody else likes a candidate doesn't necessarily mean everybody else will like him.
Roger Ailes
Growing up in Ohio and just being kind of an average guy from flyover country - my dad was a factory guy - I try to put things on a screen that reflect reality. I don't mind if people want to argue with that, or think that's crazy.
Roger Ailes
Don't back off on traditional values. It's important to show respect and tolerance for others, but they must show the same respect for your values. Tolerance is a two-way street.
Roger Ailes
Fighting with the media almost always is a mistake. You can't win the argument, the media has the last word, and most times your argument is not justified.
Roger Ailes
Obama's the one who never worked a day in his life. He never earned a penny that wasn't public money. How many fund-raisers does he attend every week? How often does he play basketball and golf? I wish I had that kind of time.
Roger Ailes
Anybody's position on an issue, anything they've said about an issue, and any way they've voted on an issue is fair game. You have every right to question that and go after it aggressively.
Roger Ailes
The candidates that can’t face Fox, can’t face al Qaeda.
Roger Ailes
It's better to be in charge of change than to have to react to change.
Roger Ailes
If you are a good communicator, be unique: put yourself in your own commercials and do something a little different. To the extent you can focus on what it is you want to change, what it is you know how to change, and what it is you think will make life better for other people, you're going to do better.
Roger Ailes