Inspirational Quotes
The curse of modern times is the propensity of male hormones in places where they can do the most damage
Robert James Waller
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Robert James Waller
Age: 77 †
Born: 1939
Born: August 1
Died: 2017
Died: March 10
Charles City
More quotes by Robert James Waller
I sometimes have the feeling you've been here a long time, more than one lifetime, and that you've dwelt in private places none of the rest of us has even dreamed about.
Robert James Waller
So here I am walking around with another person inside of me. Though I think I put it better the day we parted when I said there is a third person we have created from the two of us. And I am stalked now by that other entity.
Robert James Waller
The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it's been broken into a million pieces.
Robert James Waller
We have both lost ourselves and created something else, something that exists only as an interlacing of the two of us.
Robert James Waller
It's kind of strange-- in fiction you get to tell lies and are applauded for it.
Robert James Waller
The reality is not exactly what the song started out to be, but it's not a bad song.
Robert James Waller
Analysis destroys wholes. Some things, magic things, are meant to stay whole. If you look at their pieces, they go away.
Robert James Waller
The overriding problem with our country, and our world in general, is that we are, in large part, managed by incompetents. Most of these are men who have spent their lives seeking power rather than themselves.
Robert James Waller
For we have come by different ways to this place... I can tell by the natural ease with which you wear fine clothes and the way your mouth moves when you speak with waiters in good restaurants. You have come the way of castles and cathedrals, of elegance and empire.
Robert James Waller
In a universe of ambiguity, this kind of certainty comes only once, and never again, no matter how many lifetimes you live.
Robert James Waller
Anyone who can feel that way about a woman is worth lovin himself.
Robert James Waller
And I remember most of what I know that is good and true and lasting has come not from scholars but from minstrels and gypsies.
Robert James Waller
The curse of modern times is the preponderance of male hormones in places where they can do long-term damage. Even if were not talking about wars between nations or assaults on nature, there's still that aggressiveness that keeps us apart from each other and the problems we need to be working on.
Robert James Waller
One great love in a single lifetime was enough for anyone.
Robert James Waller
There are songs that come free from the blue-eyed grass, from the dust of a thousand country roads. This is one of them.
Robert James Waller
The market kills more artistic passion than anything else.
Robert James Waller
And in that moment, everything I knew to be true about myself up until then was gone. I was acting like another woman, yet I was more myself than ever before.
Robert James Waller
We're all getting lashed to the great wheel of uniformity.
Robert James Waller
I am the highway and a peregrine and all the sails that ever went to sea
Robert James Waller
Such physical matters were nice, yet, to him, intelligence and passion born of living, the ability to move and be moved by subtleties of the mind and spirit, were what really counted.
Robert James Waller