Inspirational Quotes
I'm always looking for relations between my work and the old masters.
Robert Barry
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Robert Barry
More quotes by Robert Barry
So I never had trouble getting work or working or doing - I always worked. I worked when I went to college. I worked after school.
Robert Barry
Words are objects of a color and a size and a form and a shape.
Robert Barry
I never ever approached a dealer. I have always been approached by dealers or curators or whatever.
Robert Barry
I like contrasting between black and white and color.
Robert Barry
Words have very potent meanings and people read them and they react to them personally. They are very suggestive in terms of your life and things like that.
Robert Barry
I was also a good writer, by the way. My, you know, my English teacher and writing teacher loved my writing. You know, I wrote short stories and things like that. And they liked them very much.
Robert Barry
I took art courses, only in the sense that I was able to - I took art classes, which were fun, which I liked, but it was a - just a kind of a general education that I got, a regular academic - academic diploma, but I kind of had the feeling that art was something that I really liked the most but I wasn't really sure that that was it.
Robert Barry
I was a filmmaker. I made movies. I made films. And I always took photos and made films, always from the beginning.
Robert Barry
ne thing you have to develop as an artist is a confidence in what you're doing and that you're right about it.
Robert Barry
People ask me why I use words and the reason, of course, is that words talk to you. I mean, they're something that are generated inside of you and that you can relate to you.
Robert Barry
I really kind of liked the fluidity and not really being tied down. I saw the kind of people that were tenured and what happened to them there and I thought it was kind of death, really.
Robert Barry
I may have a lot of political opinions but it doesn't necessarily come into my work. I keep the two worlds separate.
Robert Barry
Whatever came out came out. That was it. That's what you live with. If you don't like it, that's your problem.
Robert Barry
The Vogels were quite strict in what they acquired. They never acquired a projection. They never acquired a sound piece. They were never big on photos that much, unless it was photos documenting something. They had some limitations into what they bought.
Robert Barry
The drawings that I show - the drawings that I present to people are finished works in themselves. They're meant to be thought of that way and not necessarily lead to larger pieces or anything like that. And that's the way I work now.
Robert Barry
The space between things is important to me. The projections, that darkness between the words or the images is very important.
Robert Barry
I like challenge. I like to be put into a situation which I haven't done before. Something new presents itself and I see if I can somehow finagle it into making a work of art out of it.
Robert Barry
When you present works of art, one thing I've learned is that if you're lucky - [Laughs] - there will be those few people who, shall we say, get it? Really become engaged, become moved by it in their own way. You cannot control what other people are going to think about it.
Robert Barry
I work sometimes with dealers and sometimes people just come to me. A lot of the commissions, they just know me. They have seen something and they just approach me.
Robert Barry
If you are operating in a certain way and you are thinking in a certain direction, suddenly opportunities arise. And if you are open to it, if you are not locked into your style too much or to what you think works.
Robert Barry