Inspirational Quotes
Normally my head is always filled with art ideas and things that I have to do, deadlines that I have to meet.
Robert Barry
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Robert Barry
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I always had a fairly decent income, coming in just from the art.
Robert Barry
And yes, there are things I want to keep, that I like around me - especially when there's very little left. I just want to keep those little bits of reminders of my past. There are certain drawings from the '60s certain little paintings from the '60s that I keep.
Robert Barry
I was also very interested in music. I used to hang out in jazz joints, you know, the Five Spot and so forth when I was, you know, a senior, really, when I was a little bit older. And I thought, well, maybe I could, you know, work with music. I can't play at all.
Robert Barry
The Vogels were quite strict in what they acquired. They never acquired a projection. They never acquired a sound piece. They were never big on photos that much, unless it was photos documenting something. They had some limitations into what they bought.
Robert Barry
I was at one point thinking about being an art historian, when I was in school. And not being an artist, but I decided I was going to be an artist but I'm really mad for art history and the masters mostly.
Robert Barry
I'm getting more and more into Chinese art and Japanese, some of those scroll paintings are amazing. You follow the change of the seasons. It's really something. These guys were great masters and of course the use of space.
Robert Barry
I had always worked. I always had part-time jobs.
Robert Barry
People ask me why I use words and the reason, of course, is that words talk to you. I mean, they're something that are generated inside of you and that you can relate to you.
Robert Barry
The big thing is I try not to repeat.
Robert Barry
You can't make somebody care about what you're doing. Either they get it, either there's that connection - or they don't.
Robert Barry
I never ever approached a dealer. I have always been approached by dealers or curators or whatever.
Robert Barry
I just try things and whether people like it or if I find it successful or not, I just do it.
Robert Barry
I really wasn't about to get a Ph.D. in art history, you know, which you'd absolutely needed. And that was not something I wanted. And I loved art history, but not that way.
Robert Barry
I shoot a lot of video, first of all, whatever I think is interesting, just my travels hard to say why. If something looks good, I take a picture or try to shoot it.
Robert Barry
I don't have a dream project. I don't really think in those terms, to tell you the truth.
Robert Barry
I didn't make videos for a long time because I hated the look of TV sets.
Robert Barry
I was a filmmaker. I made movies. I made films. And I always took photos and made films, always from the beginning.
Robert Barry
I am very easy. I like to have my work out. I am not restrictive about any of that. It is the collectors that are possessive, not me, not me.
Robert Barry
The idea of, say, the compressed space between the floor and the object hanging over it and then the long space between the object and the ceiling was a kind of interesting idea for me - the idea of compressing and expanding. That was an idea that I worked with, which you could only do sculpturally. You can't really do with a painting on the wall.
Robert Barry
I was always - I was a movie nut. I lived in the movies, really.
Robert Barry