Inspirational Quotes
If somebody gives me a chance to do something, I am going to use that space, that time, that light, that whatever it is and try and work with it.
Robert Barry
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Robert Barry
More quotes by Robert Barry
I never ever approached a dealer. I have always been approached by dealers or curators or whatever.
Robert Barry
I am always producing work, but there is always a sort of deadline where you have to finish work. I don't do it for a show. In other words, I am not like a fashion designer where I have a, you know - I have to put out the full line or I have to put out the summer line like that.
Robert Barry
How does any idea come to your mind? I don't know.
Robert Barry
The Vogels were quite strict in what they acquired. They never acquired a projection. They never acquired a sound piece. They were never big on photos that much, unless it was photos documenting something. They had some limitations into what they bought.
Robert Barry
I don't have a dream project. I don't really think in those terms, to tell you the truth.
Robert Barry
I work sometimes with dealers and sometimes people just come to me. A lot of the commissions, they just know me. They have seen something and they just approach me.
Robert Barry
When you present works of art, one thing I've learned is that if you're lucky - [Laughs] - there will be those few people who, shall we say, get it? Really become engaged, become moved by it in their own way. You cannot control what other people are going to think about it.
Robert Barry
You can't just suddenly change gears and reverse yourself or go to the left or the right because there is no left or right. There's always a certain direction that you're moving in.
Robert Barry
I certainly don't believe that people can read other people's minds.
Robert Barry
I am very generous with my dealers in terms of the art that they have of mine. They all have a very good selection of work that they can work with. And it is up to them to find the dealers. I don't interfere with their selling.
Robert Barry
I was a filmmaker. I made movies. I made films. And I always took photos and made films, always from the beginning.
Robert Barry
You know, there are some people who just don't - that cannot get comfortable behind the wheel of a car and always sort of think they're going to kill somebody.
Robert Barry
I may have a lot of political opinions but it doesn't necessarily come into my work. I keep the two worlds separate.
Robert Barry
reaking up the space and using the space, using the length of the space, the height of it, whatever, the light, all of those things. It's something that you have to kind of slowly recognize in your work and develop over years of making work.
Robert Barry
My videos rarely run longer than 20 minutes. They're made for private viewing in your home or specifically either that or for a gallery situation where you sit and look.
Robert Barry
Developing your own style became something very interesting, very important to me.
Robert Barry
I'm used to being the background. I'm used to having work that only lasts for a little while. I'm used to being - working in the real world, where real things are.
Robert Barry
I prefer music but sometimes if there's on talk radio - someone might be on that I like. I listen to the old - to Air America, down at the - liberal talk shows and things like that I find kind of nice, their criticizing the conservatives. I find that quite relaxing, entertaining, but music, a lot of music.
Robert Barry
The big thing is I try not to repeat.
Robert Barry
And yes, there are things I want to keep, that I like around me - especially when there's very little left. I just want to keep those little bits of reminders of my past. There are certain drawings from the '60s certain little paintings from the '60s that I keep.
Robert Barry