Inspirational Quotes
I always had a fairly decent income, coming in just from the art.
Robert Barry
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Robert Barry
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And we live in a kind of realm of language and words and so forth. So we can sort of relate to them. They don't exist without us. We create words.
Robert Barry
I like challenge. I like to be put into a situation which I haven't done before. Something new presents itself and I see if I can somehow finagle it into making a work of art out of it.
Robert Barry
I was also very interested in music. I used to hang out in jazz joints, you know, the Five Spot and so forth when I was, you know, a senior, really, when I was a little bit older. And I thought, well, maybe I could, you know, work with music. I can't play at all.
Robert Barry
ne thing you have to develop as an artist is a confidence in what you're doing and that you're right about it.
Robert Barry
You can't make somebody care about what you're doing. Either they get it, either there's that connection - or they don't.
Robert Barry
I like working late at night and then going into the house and sitting down and watching a movie and then going to sleep.
Robert Barry
I'm fortunate in one respect that I don't have a lot of work in my studio. Most of it's out, gone either sold or in galleries. I work with a lot of galleries.
Robert Barry
My videos rarely run longer than 20 minutes. They're made for private viewing in your home or specifically either that or for a gallery situation where you sit and look.
Robert Barry
You know, there are some people who just don't - that cannot get comfortable behind the wheel of a car and always sort of think they're going to kill somebody.
Robert Barry
You can't just suddenly change gears and reverse yourself or go to the left or the right because there is no left or right. There's always a certain direction that you're moving in.
Robert Barry
I didn't like anti-Vietnam War art. I didn't like feminist art. I thought it was heavy-handed and stupid - as art.
Robert Barry
I am always producing work, but there is always a sort of deadline where you have to finish work. I don't do it for a show. In other words, I am not like a fashion designer where I have a, you know - I have to put out the full line or I have to put out the summer line like that.
Robert Barry
I'm getting more and more into Chinese art and Japanese, some of those scroll paintings are amazing. You follow the change of the seasons. It's really something. These guys were great masters and of course the use of space.
Robert Barry
The drawings that I show - the drawings that I present to people are finished works in themselves. They're meant to be thought of that way and not necessarily lead to larger pieces or anything like that. And that's the way I work now.
Robert Barry
If you are operating in a certain way and you are thinking in a certain direction, suddenly opportunities arise. And if you are open to it, if you are not locked into your style too much or to what you think works.
Robert Barry
By being critical, you also develop your own style of what you like, what direction you want to move.
Robert Barry
Whatever came out came out. That was it. That's what you live with. If you don't like it, that's your problem.
Robert Barry
I was always - I was a movie nut. I lived in the movies, really.
Robert Barry
I was also a good writer, by the way. My, you know, my English teacher and writing teacher loved my writing. You know, I wrote short stories and things like that. And they liked them very much.
Robert Barry
I always took photographs. I photographed a lot of trees, by the way, which is another image I used often in my work, the tree image.
Robert Barry