Inspirational Quotes
I certainly don't believe that people can read other people's minds.
Robert Barry
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Robert Barry
More quotes by Robert Barry
I never ever approached a dealer. I have always been approached by dealers or curators or whatever.
Robert Barry
And we live in a kind of realm of language and words and so forth. So we can sort of relate to them. They don't exist without us. We create words.
Robert Barry
I like working late at night and then going into the house and sitting down and watching a movie and then going to sleep.
Robert Barry
I shoot a lot of video, first of all, whatever I think is interesting, just my travels hard to say why. If something looks good, I take a picture or try to shoot it.
Robert Barry
And style, by the way, is a very important thing. It is like your signature, your handwriting or it is something that you develop that is your way of presenting yourself and also your way of looking at what art - of how to make art.
Robert Barry
You can't make somebody care about what you're doing. Either they get it, either there's that connection - or they don't.
Robert Barry
Words have very potent meanings and people read them and they react to them personally. They are very suggestive in terms of your life and things like that.
Robert Barry
I like challenge. I like to be put into a situation which I haven't done before. Something new presents itself and I see if I can somehow finagle it into making a work of art out of it.
Robert Barry
I really kind of liked the fluidity and not really being tied down. I saw the kind of people that were tenured and what happened to them there and I thought it was kind of death, really.
Robert Barry
I loved music. Music was a big thing and so I started collecting records. I had a large collection of jazz records and that was something else I used to listen to. At night, there was a - what the heck was his name? There was a famous - Jazzbo Collins, I used to listen to at night, and some other guys.
Robert Barry
I was never that big a rock-and-roll, rock guy. I really preferred jazz, you know, that kind of thing.
Robert Barry
I'm my own worst critic. I mean, I know what's wrong with everything that I've done.
Robert Barry
I relied mainly on other artists, who I think are smarter than critics, any critics or curators or anybody like that. They really know.
Robert Barry
I was also very interested in music. I used to hang out in jazz joints, you know, the Five Spot and so forth when I was, you know, a senior, really, when I was a little bit older. And I thought, well, maybe I could, you know, work with music. I can't play at all.
Robert Barry
I had always spoken about the space between the art object and the person looking at it as this dynamic space, which I referred to over and over. So the idea of the space between two things was sort of interesting to me.
Robert Barry
And the mind actually does generate electrical currents - very weak ones and not necessarily ones that can be picked up by anyone else.
Robert Barry
How does any idea come to your mind? I don't know.
Robert Barry
I'm used to being the background. I'm used to having work that only lasts for a little while. I'm used to being - working in the real world, where real things are.
Robert Barry
The notion of a thing, materiality, was something that I think was something very in peoples' minds when they were dealing with earth and metal and different kinds of metals and the interaction of different sorts of material.
Robert Barry
I never stop thinking about what I have to do. Let's put it that way. The only thing that takes me out of that is probably a film. I watch a lot of movies.
Robert Barry