Inspirational Quotes
I had always spoken about the space between the art object and the person looking at it as this dynamic space, which I referred to over and over. So the idea of the space between two things was sort of interesting to me.
Robert Barry
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Robert Barry
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I'm getting more and more into Chinese art and Japanese, some of those scroll paintings are amazing. You follow the change of the seasons. It's really something. These guys were great masters and of course the use of space.
Robert Barry
Everybody is always satisfied with what I do.
Robert Barry
I relied mainly on other artists, who I think are smarter than critics, any critics or curators or anybody like that. They really know.
Robert Barry
The space between things is important to me. The projections, that darkness between the words or the images is very important.
Robert Barry
I really wasn't about to get a Ph.D. in art history, you know, which you'd absolutely needed. And that was not something I wanted. And I loved art history, but not that way.
Robert Barry
By being critical, you also develop your own style of what you like, what direction you want to move.
Robert Barry
I consider drawings finished works of art, first of all. However, the ideas can be something that can be developed into something larger. I don't make so many drawings anymore since I'm working with language. I used to make more when I worked with sculptural things, especially the wire pieces.
Robert Barry
My videos rarely run longer than 20 minutes. They're made for private viewing in your home or specifically either that or for a gallery situation where you sit and look.
Robert Barry
I prefer music but sometimes if there's on talk radio - someone might be on that I like. I listen to the old - to Air America, down at the - liberal talk shows and things like that I find kind of nice, their criticizing the conservatives. I find that quite relaxing, entertaining, but music, a lot of music.
Robert Barry
I am always producing work, but there is always a sort of deadline where you have to finish work. I don't do it for a show. In other words, I am not like a fashion designer where I have a, you know - I have to put out the full line or I have to put out the summer line like that.
Robert Barry
I work sometimes with dealers and sometimes people just come to me. A lot of the commissions, they just know me. They have seen something and they just approach me.
Robert Barry
Most of the criticism of my work was pretty good, but occasionally it would not be. And I just sort of felt that they absolutely didn't get what I was doing. It was their limitations on what they thought art should be or what they thought my work should be in relation to earlier work or whatever.
Robert Barry
I wanted my style to be very recognizable.
Robert Barry
I'm fortunate in one respect that I don't have a lot of work in my studio. Most of it's out, gone either sold or in galleries. I work with a lot of galleries.
Robert Barry
I was never that big a rock-and-roll, rock guy. I really preferred jazz, you know, that kind of thing.
Robert Barry
When you present works of art, one thing I've learned is that if you're lucky - [Laughs] - there will be those few people who, shall we say, get it? Really become engaged, become moved by it in their own way. You cannot control what other people are going to think about it.
Robert Barry
But if I did read, say, [Maurice] Merleau-Ponty, for instance, it always seemed to me that the parts that I understood in what he was talking about - and I read him because - well, he wrote a book, well, the Phenomenology of Perception [New York: Humanities Press, 1962]. And it seemed to me that perception had a lot do with how we take in art.
Robert Barry
I'm used to being the background. I'm used to having work that only lasts for a little while. I'm used to being - working in the real world, where real things are.
Robert Barry
I like working late at night and then going into the house and sitting down and watching a movie and then going to sleep.
Robert Barry
If you are operating in a certain way and you are thinking in a certain direction, suddenly opportunities arise. And if you are open to it, if you are not locked into your style too much or to what you think works.
Robert Barry