Inspirational Quotes
I've always said my biggest influence is my, just, the last work I did, the last piece I made.
Robert Barry
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Robert Barry
More quotes by Robert Barry
I always thought there was a - even in the most, quote, conceptual art, there is always a physical aspect to it. I never knew what the term meant.
Robert Barry
I was good at art - always good at art.
Robert Barry
I'm my own worst critic. I mean, I know what's wrong with everything that I've done.
Robert Barry
You can't just suddenly change gears and reverse yourself or go to the left or the right because there is no left or right. There's always a certain direction that you're moving in.
Robert Barry
I try to create a kind of dynamic thing that hopefully some people will become interested in. And what they do with it after that is sort of up to them. But it's a specific item, it's a specific thing that I've done. And what they do with it is their problem.
Robert Barry
I made films from the - when I was a little kid, my father bought me a movie camera. I just wanted to. I don't know how. You just learn, you just do it. You just do it.
Robert Barry
I didn't like anti-Vietnam War art. I didn't like feminist art. I thought it was heavy-handed and stupid - as art.
Robert Barry
I always had a fairly decent income, coming in just from the art.
Robert Barry
I'm getting more and more into Chinese art and Japanese, some of those scroll paintings are amazing. You follow the change of the seasons. It's really something. These guys were great masters and of course the use of space.
Robert Barry
If somebody gives me a chance to do something, I am going to use that space, that time, that light, that whatever it is and try and work with it.
Robert Barry
I'm fortunate in one respect that I don't have a lot of work in my studio. Most of it's out, gone either sold or in galleries. I work with a lot of galleries.
Robert Barry
reaking up the space and using the space, using the length of the space, the height of it, whatever, the light, all of those things. It's something that you have to kind of slowly recognize in your work and develop over years of making work.
Robert Barry
I never stop thinking about what I have to do. Let's put it that way. The only thing that takes me out of that is probably a film. I watch a lot of movies.
Robert Barry
By being critical, you also develop your own style of what you like, what direction you want to move.
Robert Barry
ne thing you have to develop as an artist is a confidence in what you're doing and that you're right about it.
Robert Barry
My videos rarely run longer than 20 minutes. They're made for private viewing in your home or specifically either that or for a gallery situation where you sit and look.
Robert Barry
Developing your own style became something very interesting, very important to me.
Robert Barry
I was a filmmaker. I made movies. I made films. And I always took photos and made films, always from the beginning.
Robert Barry
I am very easy. I like to have my work out. I am not restrictive about any of that. It is the collectors that are possessive, not me, not me.
Robert Barry
I am very generous with my dealers in terms of the art that they have of mine. They all have a very good selection of work that they can work with. And it is up to them to find the dealers. I don't interfere with their selling.
Robert Barry