Inspirational Quotes
I made films from the - when I was a little kid, my father bought me a movie camera. I just wanted to. I don't know how. You just learn, you just do it. You just do it.
Robert Barry
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Robert Barry
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And we live in a kind of realm of language and words and so forth. So we can sort of relate to them. They don't exist without us. We create words.
Robert Barry
If I'm reading something and a word pops up, or I just catch it, I try to mark it off and then, later, write it down on a piece of paper and add it to my list.
Robert Barry
Whatever came out came out. That was it. That's what you live with. If you don't like it, that's your problem.
Robert Barry
I like working late at night and then going into the house and sitting down and watching a movie and then going to sleep.
Robert Barry
I'm fortunate in one respect that I don't have a lot of work in my studio. Most of it's out, gone either sold or in galleries. I work with a lot of galleries.
Robert Barry
I never stop thinking about what I have to do. Let's put it that way. The only thing that takes me out of that is probably a film. I watch a lot of movies.
Robert Barry
And style, by the way, is a very important thing. It is like your signature, your handwriting or it is something that you develop that is your way of presenting yourself and also your way of looking at what art - of how to make art.
Robert Barry
I was also a good writer, by the way. My, you know, my English teacher and writing teacher loved my writing. You know, I wrote short stories and things like that. And they liked them very much.
Robert Barry
I certainly don't believe that people can read other people's minds.
Robert Barry
I am very easy. I like to have my work out. I am not restrictive about any of that. It is the collectors that are possessive, not me, not me.
Robert Barry
I always had a fairly decent income, coming in just from the art.
Robert Barry
I usually, if I give a talk, I don't usually prepare anything. I just say - you know, I may stop talking by showing some video or slides of what I do but mainly I try to respond to what problems people have with my work.
Robert Barry
I'm always looking for relations between my work and the old masters.
Robert Barry
I try not to manipulate reality... What will happen, will happen. Let things be themselves.
Robert Barry
I am always producing work, but there is always a sort of deadline where you have to finish work. I don't do it for a show. In other words, I am not like a fashion designer where I have a, you know - I have to put out the full line or I have to put out the summer line like that.
Robert Barry
The big thing is I try not to repeat.
Robert Barry
I was good at art - always good at art.
Robert Barry
The first place I try to go when I have free time is the museums. I'm a big museum person.
Robert Barry
When you present works of art, one thing I've learned is that if you're lucky - [Laughs] - there will be those few people who, shall we say, get it? Really become engaged, become moved by it in their own way. You cannot control what other people are going to think about it.
Robert Barry
I was always - I was a movie nut. I lived in the movies, really.
Robert Barry