Inspirational Quotes
Life is full of all sorts of people. You just need to know which hands to shake, which hands to hold and which hands to let go.
Rita Zahara
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Rita Zahara
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If you don't get the ending you desire.... have faith in the magic of new beginnings.
Rita Zahara
If you have a dream. Believe it. Work on it. Have faith in your heart and feel it explode within you. Be sincere about your dream. Mean what you say and do what you dream.
Rita Zahara
When you work don't expect your talent to be discovered. Work hard because it makes you happy.
Rita Zahara
Don’t be disheartened when you didn’t get to be with the one you love. Sometimes you just have to accept the reality that the one you asked God for, asked God for somebody else. God is All-Knowing. He knows what you need. Trust His master plan.
Rita Zahara
A lot of things in life seem impossible until it's done. Don't be afraid to attempt the impossible.
Rita Zahara
The ones who keep giving you reasons why you won't succeed, are probably the ones who wish that you won't. Listen to your heart. Follow your dream. It is not a question whether your dream is impossible. It is a question of how badly you want it.
Rita Zahara
Sometimes you need to be terrified to your bones, in order for you to find your way to safety. Pain somewhat has this ability to push you beyond your comfort zone so that you can come back even stronger. To me, obstacles are not a hindrance but as stepping stones to success.
Rita Zahara
Don't find a reason to smile. Find a way.
Rita Zahara
But no matter what the outcome, how the friends turn out in the end, it should not stop you from making new friends. Once bitten, twice shy should not be applied to friendship.
Rita Zahara
When a person really loves you, you can feel it. I'm not talking about the way YOU feel nor the way he/she feels towards you but the way he/she treats you. From their actions, you can feel their love.
Rita Zahara
When your world is in pieces, you can choose to see it as crumbling or building. Your attitude, resilience and determination mark the difference.
Rita Zahara
When you are not sure on what to do, choose a life that is most meaningful to you and make it a habit.
Rita Zahara
When people are mean to you, win them over with kindness. If it doesn't work, you still win.
Rita Zahara
Purify your heart. Cleanse it. Make it a wake-up routine. Your environment may be harsh, difficult and tumultuous but if you work on your heart, you can be calm amidst all those challenges.
Rita Zahara
When you love someone very much, you'd have to go through every tear, every heartache, every pain. Cause in the end, it's not how much you suffered but how you loved.
Rita Zahara
Those who give up on their dreams shouldn't influence you to give up on yours.
Rita Zahara
A beautiful person is a person who is capable of being the best version of himself/herself, inside and out as often as possible.
Rita Zahara
Being hurt is a pesky part of being human. You are bound to meet people who will hurt you again and again. Instead of asking them why again and again, ask yourself why you let them again and again. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, Nobody can hurt you without your permission.
Rita Zahara
When you change your thoughts and perception, you change the way you live.
Rita Zahara
Never take anyone for granted. Never take anyone's kindness for their weakness. What's once yours could easily turn into a memory.
Rita Zahara