Inspirational Quotes
If you can't be good, be loud.
Rich Mullins
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Rich Mullins
Age: 41 †
Born: 1955
Born: October 21
Died: 1997
Died: September 19
Recording Artist
Richard Mullins
Richard Wayne Mullins
More quotes by Rich Mullins
After you're dead [...] it's not gonna matter if you have a few scars. It will matter if you didn't live.
Rich Mullins
You are not alone in the world. You are part of an ensemble.
Rich Mullins
You will never understand what you're doin'. But God does.
Rich Mullins
And I believe what I believe / Is what makes me what I am / I did not make it, no it is making me / It is the very truth of God and not / The invention of any man.
Rich Mullins
We were given the Scriptures to humble us into realizing that God is right, and the rest of us are just guessing.
Rich Mullins
And I really suspect that of all the things we think we want to know, the only thing we really want to know is that we are loved. And if Jesus means anything, he means that you are loved. I hope you know that. And I hope you stop worrying about all the stuff you don't know, because I don't think it amounts to a hill of beans.
Rich Mullins
I did not read the Bible today. I am not very good at being religious and don't really feel too bad about not being too good. I do wish that I loved God and His creatures more.
Rich Mullins
The longer I live, the more I have the feeling like God looks down, like when you've just bitten into a vanilla ice cream cone, you just get the feeling God's going, 'Yes! He enjoys it, and I made his taste buds and I made vanilla and he's putting it together and he's experiencing what I created him to experience.
Rich Mullins
Ain't it funny what people say? Ain't it funny what people write?
Rich Mullins
We just can't love without God. God wants for us want we want for ourselves. These basic things are not that hard to grasp. We just have to have faith, and faith is a gift. We just need to accept it.
Rich Mullins
God is a wild man...should you encounter him...hang on for dear life-or let go for dear life is a better way to say it.
Rich Mullins
Let people see your struggles and don't ever fake it.
Rich Mullins
I dont know that the United States is Gods Country, but the church has been so strong here, and because of its influence, we hold life to be sacred and we believe that individuals have dignity. This is part of our legacy.
Rich Mullins
I would love to be a Franciscan brother. Im just not sure I have the courage to do it.
Rich Mullins
Look at us all - we are all of us lost and in all of our different ways of pretending, we all fool ourselves into the very same hell. Look at the cross - we are all of us loved and one God meets us all at the point of our common need and brings to all of us - all who will let Him - salvation.
Rich Mullins
My salvation has very little to do with anything that I have done... Jesus will go to any lengths to draw us to himself.
Rich Mullins
Psycho-babble is that language spoken by sailors who have become so interested in navigating their way around their boat that they have forgotten to read the stars and sea. They may be able to get from the galley to the head but will be lost in their journey from point to port.
Rich Mullins
I am tired again tonight - a good kind of tired. Some aches are well earned. I wish I could see the sky tonight
Rich Mullins
It's not the job of government to help the poor. The church is the mechanism that God put on earth to help the poor.
Rich Mullins
I take comfort in knowing that it was the shepherds to whom the angels appeared when they announced Christ's birth. Invariably throughout the course of history, God has appeared to people on the fringes. It's nice to find theological justification for your quirks.
Rich Mullins