Inspirational Quotes
I did pass the bar in Pennsylvania. I can practice Amish law. But it's long expired, my bar license.
Rich Fulcher
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Rich Fulcher
Age: 56
Born: 1968
Born: November 18
Television Actor
Bay State
More quotes by Rich Fulcher
I could survive in a Turkish prison, probably.
Rich Fulcher
When I just want to be free, I'll wear the Banderas outfit and the mask and touch myself. On the chest. Only on the chest. I just want to feel the silky silks.
Rich Fulcher
That's why you hear about people coming up with inventions almost at the same time, because someone else is thinking about it.
Rich Fulcher
While in a crowded underground carriage, scream 'It's happening again!
Rich Fulcher
I guess the most interesting thing that people think is I'm English. They think that I live in England and have a British accent. When they talk to me, at first they go, Man, you have a great American accent, and I go, No, no, no, this is my accent. I don't do accents. And then they're really disappointed, and they try to punch me.
Rich Fulcher
I'm not like Madonna. I haven't changed my lilt in my voice.
Rich Fulcher
When I was little, my dad was in the Air Force. He introduced me to Neil Armstrong, and Neil Armstrong signed my moon book. I had a little moon book, which I still have somewhere, and he signed it, and he died. It's true.
Rich Fulcher
The first day I went to law school, I realized I'd made a huge mistake. It was nothing like what I thought.
Rich Fulcher
Sometimes I'd go [in British accent] Uhh, brilliant! Absolutely brilliant, thank you. Wonderful. Cheers! I do say cheers automatically, from living over there. I say cheers to everything.
Rich Fulcher
Me and a friend literally had the idea for Wedding Crashers and pitched it, and it was already a script. They go, That's funny! You should call it The Wedding Crashers. It was almost exactly like that .
Rich Fulcher
When I was little, I met Ronald Reagan. I think I said something to him.
Rich Fulcher
I still have the Antonio Banderas outfit from when I toured with Noel Fielding. I kept that outfit, and if you guys want it back, forget about it. It's mine. Silky silky. My silky, silky shirt is mine. My black pants are mine. And the boot is mine!
Rich Fulcher
When we were touring with The Mighty Boosh, we went on a ghost tour of York. It was all about ghosts, and the tour guide was hilarious.
Rich Fulcher
I went right to Chicago to do improv [after law school], but I wish I had gone, Let me just bypass this law thing. I mean, sure, it helps you read a contract, but I can read a contract regardless. It's just common sense, contracts.
Rich Fulcher
It was in D.C., and I couldn't believe how they were just three guys, but they sounded like six guys. It was amazing. I got spoiled, because that was my first concert. I wish in retrospect I had seen someone like Air Supply, and then my expectations could keep rising. Nothing against Air Supply. I'm All Out Of Love is still a classic.
Rich Fulcher
I didn't know there were so many ghosts in [New] York.
Rich Fulcher
Only he [Gordon Gekko] is a lot smarter than [Donald] Trump.
Rich Fulcher
I say cheers to everything.
Rich Fulcher
I love to hate [Wall Street] it, and I like it. I love the fact that I hate it and like it at the same time. Plus, Gordon Gekko is now [Donald] Trump, isn't he?
Rich Fulcher
That's why whenever I have a really good idea, I'm always worried about theft.
Rich Fulcher