Inspirational Quotes
Black is not as good as Purple.
Ralph Lauren
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Ralph Lauren
Age: 85
Born: 1939
Born: October 14
Fashion Designer
The Bronx
New York City
Ralph Lipshitz
More quotes by Ralph Lauren
I can drive a certain car one day with great pleasure, and the next day I'll be disappointed that the experience isn't as good as the day before. These cars have moods that change with the weather, or with the driver's own moods.
Ralph Lauren
The clothes that I design and everything I've done is about life and how people live and how they want to live and how they dream they'll live. That's what I do.
Ralph Lauren
I like magazines. I love to look at a magazine. But the magazines have got to get better. Everything pushes someone else to get better. So the Internet pushes the magazines.
Ralph Lauren
I try to find people who love and believe in what I do - and people I can respect because they do what I don't do. I've had to bring in financial people and put them in positions where they could tell me, Ralph, let's not do that.
Ralph Lauren
Fashion is a function of lifestyle, and style a function of quality, integrity and timelessness.
Ralph Lauren
We're making a major move of the Internet, and runway. is a natural extension of both and our collection business.
Ralph Lauren
Every time I design clothes, I'm making a movie.
Ralph Lauren
I like romance, I like glamour and I like realism. I think that's a great combination.
Ralph Lauren
What I do is about living. It's about living the best life you can and enjoying the fullness of the life around you- from what you wear, to the way you live, to the way you love.
Ralph Lauren
I don't design clothes, I design dreams.
Ralph Lauren
We all get report cards in many different ways, but the real excitement of what you're doing is in the doing of it. It's not what you're gonna get in the end - it's not the final curtain - it's really in the doing it, and loving what you're doing.
Ralph Lauren
I try to design into a world that is constantly moving, and moving me.
Ralph Lauren
If I get to the point where I don't like my clothes, I'm in big trouble.
Ralph Lauren
Enjoy your family. Do things that you like to do. Stay strong. That's the secret to remaining happy.
Ralph Lauren
It's the kind of clothes that mothers and daughters can wear, in terms of concept... It's not about age. It's about taste, and it's about lifestyle. I believe women of all ages can wear anything.
Ralph Lauren
My wife Ricky is my muse. Her personal style and natural beauty have always been my inspiration.
Ralph Lauren
Love the fun of clothes, not the status of fashion.
Ralph Lauren
I went through the extremes of amazing notoriety and also the dreaded things that you never thought you'd have to live through. Not everything works the way you want it to, but if I sit back and think, 'Am I happy about this?' Yeah. I wouldn't have done anything any better.
Ralph Lauren
Books open windows to the world and have the power to transform lives.
Ralph Lauren
I'm a fan of people that have quality, that do what they do and that are not into the showbiz.
Ralph Lauren