Inspirational Quotes
Writing on the subway or anywhere is writing. Maybe it's all just writing.
Rachel Zucker
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Rachel Zucker
Age: 53
Born: 1971
Born: January 1
More quotes by Rachel Zucker
I almost never do free writing. Unless I am forcing my students to do it.
Rachel Zucker
It's hard for me to find humor in my current non-writing situation.
Rachel Zucker
Humor is essential to survival. Funny poems are vastly underrated. Very underwritten.
Rachel Zucker
I was not popular enough - or at all - when Vanilla Ice was popular to remember who Vanilla Ice is without my husband reminding me. So I don't have a Vanilla Ice key chain.
Rachel Zucker
I really, really fear head injuries. But when people hit their heads in movies or fall down - I can't stop laughing.
Rachel Zucker
I have a longing for wilderness and for greenness. I wish I were a person who longed for animals, but I'm not.
Rachel Zucker
I like the way the prose and poetry interact.
Rachel Zucker
Very little of my time is spent thinking about poetry, except the time I spend in class.
Rachel Zucker
When I edit the poems - and I do edit, which some people don't mean when they use the term stream of consciousness - I'm usually editing toward greater accuracy, which sometimes means more fragmentation, because that is the way I think.
Rachel Zucker
I think it's a huge shortcoming of mine - this disconnect between the world of human and animals. We are animals.
Rachel Zucker
Usually I avoid sugar, but sugar is like the most deeply satisfying addictive thing ever.
Rachel Zucker
I agree that comedy does a good job - and is often about - stepping over the line - Lenny Bruce, etc. - and that this is important for a lot of poets too. I guess I feel like there has to be depth.
Rachel Zucker
I don't write very much about penises. More than some poets but not perhaps as much as I should.
Rachel Zucker
I HATE HALLOWEEN. This makes me VERY unpopular.
Rachel Zucker
I'm even afraid of kittens. They bite too! But I respect animals.
Rachel Zucker
I love food too much - not because I'm fat but because it's so consumptionistic, etc.
Rachel Zucker
One of my greatest anxieties as a mother is head injuries.
Rachel Zucker
I love narrative and sometimes I feel frustrated with stand-up.
Rachel Zucker
I do not like it when other people dress up. I like everyone to be THEMSELVES.
Rachel Zucker
I have a complicated relationship with non-human animals. I've never really been close to one.
Rachel Zucker