Inspirational Quotes
I live to serve. except the part about living...
Rachel Vincent
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Rachel Vincent
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I should have mixed something stronger than Coke floats.
Rachel Vincent
I should have said something. ... But my mouth wouldn't open, and the longer I stood there in silence, the better I can to understand the problem. It wasn't that I had nothing to say to him. It was that I had too much to say.
Rachel Vincent
Well that's too bad, because this is an assassination. No, this is an execution. The difference would be...? Assassination is murder. Execution is justice.
Rachel Vincent
Regret couldn't fix what he's broken. Apologies couldn't bring back what he's lost. What we'd lost.
Rachel Vincent
I held her tighter, just because I could. Because she was fierce, and beautiful, and mind.
Rachel Vincent
His name's Nash. Aunt Val took a butter knife from the silverware drawer. What year is he? I groaned inwardly. Senior. we go ... Her smile was a little too enthusiastic. Well that's wonderful! Of course, what she really meant was Rise from the shadows, social leper, and walk in the bright light of acceptance!
Rachel Vincent
Kaylee, you're adding two and two and coming up with seven.
Rachel Vincent
Justice is for the victim.” Kick. “Vengeance is for the survivor.
Rachel Vincent
10:38 AM - Third period. Kaylee has no class this period. I have no one to kill. Coincidence, or fate?
Rachel Vincent
I’d learned that my mother was a badass in disguise. She was Van Helsing in an apron and heels, and—at least for the time being—I couldn’t think of a single thing cooler than that.
Rachel Vincent
Exactly what part of that is supposed to make me feel better? Though, honestly, hearing that she was jealous of me did make me feel a teeny, tiny bit better.
Rachel Vincent
He shrugged, looking right into my eyes. Right now, this is all I feel. He held our intertwined hands up for me to see and I wanted to look away, but I couldn't break the hold his gaze had on me, like he could see more than anyone else saw. Things I couldn't see myself.
Rachel Vincent
Her dark-eyed glare narrowed on me. You could have least given him a shirt, Kaylee. Like you're an expert on when it's appropriate to wear a shirt. Sabine bristled. This seems headed into girl-fight territory, Tod said. Should I make popcorn?
Rachel Vincent
If Eastlake High School were the universe, I would be one of the moons circling Planet Emma, constantly hidden by her shadow, and glad to be there. Nash Hudson would be one of the stars: too bright to look at, too hot to touch and at the center of his own solar system.
Rachel Vincent
Great. I'm psychotic and sparkly.
Rachel Vincent
I liked that about her. I liked how laid back she was, when she wasn’t trying to stab me.
Rachel Vincent
We would not have hurt the child, even if she is our natural enemy. Nor would we have hurt you, if it could be helped. Finn was killed by a male cat, and in exchange for that information, we also agreed to try to remove the female cats from your encampment before the true melee begins.” Melee?! Were these ninja birds? Green Berets with feathers?
Rachel Vincent
Standing, I turned to face my father. “It’s the same as the scent on Moore. It’s definitely a foreign cat, but it’s...more, somehow.” Ethan snickered at my unintentional pun, but I ignored him.
Rachel Vincent
Meow, Meow, Motherfucker.
Rachel Vincent
If this had ever happened before, it couldn't be happening now. That's what they mean by 'once in a lifetime'.
Rachel Vincent