Inspirational Quotes
If you in any way abate the doctrine of hell, it will abate your zeal.
R. A. Torrey
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R. A. Torrey
Age: 72 †
Born: 1856
Born: January 28
Died: 1928
Died: October 26
University Teacher
New Jersey
Reuben Archer Torrey
Reuben Torrey
More quotes by R. A. Torrey
If you make a great deal of Christ, He will make a great deal of you but if you make but a little of Christ, Christ will make but a little of you.
R. A. Torrey
Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all pray.
R. A. Torrey
We must always bear in mind that the primary purpose of our work is not to get people to join a church, to give up their bad habits, or to do anything other than to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
R. A. Torrey
The truly wise man is he who always believes the Bible against the opinions of any man.
R. A. Torrey
All that God is, and all that God has, are at the disposal of player. Prayer can do anything that God can do, and as God can do anything, prayer is omnipotent.
R. A. Torrey
I would rather go to heaven alone than go to hell in company.
R. A. Torrey
We are not saved by denying self, or taking up our cross, or doing anything else, we are saved by simply believing in Jesus.
R. A. Torrey
Prayer can do anything that God can do.
R. A. Torrey
I would rather win souls than be the greatest king or emperor on earth I would rather win souls than be the greatest general that ever commanded an army I would rather win souls than be the greatest poet, or novelist, or literary man who ever walked the earth. My one ambition in life is to win as many as possible.
R. A. Torrey
Every true revival from that day to this has had its earthly origin in prayer.
R. A. Torrey
The man or woman at home who prays often has as much to do with the effectiveness of the missionary on the field, and consequently with the results of his or her labors, as the missionary.
R. A. Torrey
It is of the highest importance from the standpoint of experience that we know the Holy Spirit as a person.
R. A. Torrey
The failure to return thanks for definite blessings received is a manifestation of ingratitude that grieves Jesus Christ.
R. A. Torrey
The Devil is perfectly willing that the church should multiply its organizations and its deftly contrived machinery for the conquest of the world for Christ, if it will only give up praying...The Devil is not afraid of machinery he is only afraid of God. And machinery without prayer is machinery without God.
R. A. Torrey
We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power. We have a great deal of activity, but we accomplish little many services but few conversions much machinery but few results.
R. A. Torrey
The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came. Anticipate your battles fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory.
R. A. Torrey
The one who is truly born again will love the Word of God.
R. A. Torrey
To have as one's ever-present friend, and to be conscious that one has as his ever-present friend, the Holy Spirit and to surrender one's life in all it's departments entirely to His control - this is true Christian living.
R. A. Torrey
There must be, in any complete revelation of God's mind and will and character and being, things hard for the beginner to understand and the wisest and best of us are but beginners.
R. A. Torrey
Tell me your doctrine of the Fall and I will tell you the state of your theology.
R. A. Torrey